Why? Why? Why?

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Sonic finally found Amy behind a tree, sniffling. He slowly walked up to her and looked down. "Amy...," Sonic started. Amy turned back and saw him. She immediately turned away. "Go away...," she said, her voice cracking. Sonic didn't want to leave Amy like this, so he bent down on one knee. "Amy. I can't leave you like this. Please...tell me what's wrong and I can fix it." He took Amy's hand, but Amy pulled it away. "Why would you? Why do you want to help if you don't care about me?" She asked. "What are you talking about? Of course I care about you, Amy," he said. "Yeah right. You may do that, but that doesn't mean you like me." Sonic just stared at her. "You always run away from me. You always neglect me no matter how nice I am. From the moment you saved me, you were my hero. You were always there for me. But not always. I chase you because you never want to spend time with me, and that I wanted to make every moment like our last. Like hundreds of times before." Sonic's ears drooped when he heard those words. He then started to feel sad inside and tears started selling up. "If you said you didn't like me...you should've said that...." She then got up and ran away again. Sonic didn't bother to chase after her. He couldn't believe what he had done to Amy. He sat by the tree and covered his face with his hands. "Some hero I am...!" He cried.
Meanwhile, Silver found Shadow and threw him with his telekinesis. "WHAT WAS THAT, SHADOW?!" Silver yelled in rage. "WHAT WAS WHAT I DID?! WHAT WAS THAT YOU DID?!" He yelled back. "AFTER ALL THIS TIME I WANTED TO HELP YOU, YOU JUST REJECTED IT?! YOU REALLY MUST BE DEEP AFTER ALL!" "LET ME GO!" Shadow yelled. "NOT UNTIL YOU APOLOGIZE TO MARIA!" Silver yelled. "THAT WAS NOT MARIA!" Shadow yelled. "THAT WAS JUST MY MIND TRICKING ME!" "IF THAT WAS YOUR MIND, THEN IS THIS YOUR MIND SPEAKING TO YOU?!" Silver yelled. "LET ME GO SILVER! I SWEAR I WILL KILL YOU!" Shadow yelled. Silver then gave him one swing and Shadow crashed into many trees! In the end, Shadow crashed into a rock, and dropped to the ground, unconscious. "There! Happy now?!" Silver yelled as he flew off.
With Tails, he searched trying to find Maria. He eventually found her running. He flew down and stopped in front of her. "Maria wait!" Tails said. "Tails...why?!" She cried. "I wanted you to lead me Shadow, not to a...heartless monster!" Tails looked at her. "Maria, I'm sure Shadow didn't mean it. He wanted to put the past behind him. I'm sure his mind was probably playing tricks on him. He's actually nice. I guarantee it. It's not your fault," Tails explained. "What do you know?" She asked him. Tails's eyes widened. "Why did you have to put Amy's blood inside me? How do you know something was going to happen to me? And why lead me to that guy?!" Tails teared up. "All of you should've never rescued me! I never should've come down to Earth!" Maria then ran away again, and Tails covered his face with his tails.

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