The truth about love

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The next morning, Shadow woke up to see Maria still snuggling against his fur. He smiled as he saw her. She looked cute. He slowly got up, and went to the kitchen. (This is totally out of his character. I am such a hypocrite.)
A few minutes later, Maria woke up and yawned. "Shadow?" She asked, looking around. "Where are you?" "I'm right here," Shadow said, standing by the door. He came in with a tray. On the tray was a plate of pancakes, and some toast. He also carried a glass of orange juice in his hand. Maria's eyes widened. "Is that for you?" Maria asked. Shadow chuckled. "No Maria. This is for you." He brought her the tray. "Thank you Shadow," she smiled. She wanted to give him a kiss, but she didn't know where. She saw his shoulder, and kissed it lightly. Shadow blushed lightly. "I'm sorry, I didn't know where else to kiss you," Maria said. "It's okay," Shadow said.
Maria cut her pancakes, and started eating. Her eyes widened from the taste. "Wow...they're so good...!" Maria said. "Did you make them?" "Yes I did," Shadow smiled, feeling flushed. As Maria was eating, she asked Shadow, "So...what exactly is" Shadow looked at her. " first, I thought love was just a made up word. I thought it was only a feeling that would make everyone feel bad," Shadow explained. Maria blinked. "But now...I've realized now is actually the best feeling in the world.... It makes me feel...amazing...." He smiled, and Maria smiled back. Shadow rubbed her ear, causing her to blush and purr lightly. "But of course...I'm not really that much of a love expert. But I know someone who is," he continued. "Who?" Maria asked. "You probably never met her. But, it's Amy." Maria's eyes widened. "Amy?" She asked. "I know her." "Oh really?" Shadow asked. "Well after you're done, we're going to see her." "Okay," Maria said. She picked up one of her slices of pancakes with her fork, and gave it to Shadow. Shadow smiled and blushed, then ate it. Maria giggled. He was so cute with the syrup on his muzzle.
After Maria finished, they went out to see Amy. When they got to Tails's workshop, they looked around to find her. When they got to Sonic's room, their eyes widened at the sight of Amy sleeping on Sonic! Sonic woke up, and saw Shadow and Maria. He then let out a scream, and Amy woke up and jumped. She turned to Shadow and Maria, and screamed. Maria then screamed with them, and eventually Shadow. It all stopped when Tails came in. "What's with all the screaming?!" He yelled. "What the heck are you doing?!" Sonic asked Shadow. "What are you doing?!" Shadow asked back. "What's wrong with you?!" Amy asked. "Us? Nothing! You, on the other hand, are sleeping on Sonic!" (Gosh dang the Archer phrases.)
A few minutes later, everything got silent. "So. What are you here for?" Amy asked. "Maria needs help. She needs to know what love is," Shadow said. " do I." "Well couldn't you two have asked me at a different time?" She asked. "I don't know. Couldn't you and Sonic do that at a different time?" Shadow asked. "Please don't fight again," Tails said, crossing his arms. "I'm trying to sleep." He then went back to his room.
They went back into Sonic's room to talk. "Well Maria," Amy said, clearing her throat. "Love is like...putting someone else's needs before yours." (Yeah yeah. Frozen confirmed. Ha ha ha.) "It's like how Shadow cares about you more than himself." Maria blushed. "You mean like...he cares about me?" She asked. Shadow blushed deeply in embarrassment. Sonic chuckled and said, "He sure does. Sometimes he would say your name non-stop, and always imagine you were beside him all the time." "That's enough Sonic," Shadow said. "He thinks of you all day and night," Amy smirked. Maria blushed more, and Shadow got angrier. "Alright, stop it," he said. "He can get so dazed. He doesn't pay attention to what's​ going on. Even when we try to get his attention!" Sonic said. Maria giggled. "Alright that's it!" Shadow yelled.
But before, he could do anything, Tails barged in. "WILL YOU SHUT UP?! PEOPLE ARE TRYING TO SLEEP!" (The Simpsons confirmed.)

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