Maria Robotnik...the Hedgehog?!

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They finally made it back to Tails's workshop with the capsule.
"Guys! You're back!" Tails yelled. "We got her," Silver said. "No problems, were there?" Tails asked. "Nope. Even though, there might be a slight chance we altered the past," Amy said. "No worries. Everything's okay," Tails smiled. "Now let's see her." They carried her to Sonic's room. They watched as the sun peaked through the window and the light glistened over her golden hair. "Wow, no wonder Shadow has a thing for her. Am I right, Ames? Huh? Huh?" Sonic chuckled. Amy ignored him. "Anyway, Amy," Tails said. He walked in carrying a syringe. "Wh-what is that?" Amy asked, shaking. "It's a syringe. I'm gonna use this to take some DNA from you, and inject it inside her," he said. "But why?" She asked. "Because you're a girl. And I need some blood to be extracted now or else there's gonna be some problems with her body." Amy stayed silent, and brought her arm to Tails. Sonic walked to her and held her hand, but Amy put it away. Sonic looked at Silver with curiosity, but then his ears drooped. Tails then injected the needed inside her shoulder. Amy tightened her grip, and grit her teeth. She shut her eyes, and a tear slid down her cheek. (I don't know if she feels this way around needles. I'm just writing this for fun.)
Tails then extracted her blood slowly, and pulled it out slowly. "There we go. Now, your arm might feel achy for a while, but you'll be okay," Tails said. He then grabbed a small band-aid, and placed it on Amy's shoulder. "Thank you, Tails," she said, kissing his cheek. Tails blushed. "Hehe," he said. Sonic stared, and rolled his eyes. Then made a face. Tails then injected Amy's blood in Maria's wrist. "Amy, are you okay?" Sonic asked. Amy ignored him, and rubbed her arm. "Come on, Ames. Please?" "Like you care...," she said, softly. Sonic's eyes widened, and walked away without saying anything.
A few minutes later, something was happening to Maria. Her whole body began to glow gold like her hair. There was then sparkles all around her. Her face started transforming into where only here chin, nose, mouth, and cheeks were visible. Her face turned yellow, and her two eyes turned into one. Her nose disappeared and turned into a big black dot. Her ears disappeared under her hair, and two more ears grew above her head. Blue bracelets and white gloves then started appearing on her, and her heels turned into blue boots with white stripes like Amy's. Their eyes widened at her. Her human form started turning​ into an anthropomorphic form. Maria was no longer a human...she was a hedgehog.

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