I'm sorry...

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"Wh-what are you doing here?" Maria asked, frightened. "I didn't mean to scare you," Shadow said. "I was just skating off, but then I saw you and...I heard you...." He then looked into her blue eyes as she looked into his red eyes. "Maria...is that really you?" Shadow asked. "Yes...Shadow...if that's who you are," she said. "Maria. It's me. It's really me. I'm sorry I yelled at you. I thought that...it wasn't you. I thought my mind was tricking me." Maria then felt tears in her eyes. "Oh no...what have I done?" She asked herself. She remembered what she said to Tails. "Shadow, I made a mistake. I need to fix it now." "No," Shadow began. "We made mistakes. And we need to fix them now." He then picked up Maria. "Woah! Shadow," she said. "Hold on tight, Maria," Shadow said. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and Shadow zoomed off. "Woah! And Sonic said he was the fastest thing alive," Maria said. "Yeah, yeah. So he says," Shadow said.
They finally made it to Tails's workshop. Inside, they heard Tails crying. Maria got off of Shadow, and walked to Tails. "Tails?" Maria asked, softly. Tails sniffled. His face covered by his tails. Maria walked closer and uncovered his Tails slowly. She teared up as she saw tears streaming down his cheeks. "Tails...," she said. Tails opened his eyes slowly, and looked up at her. Maria kissed his forehead and stroked his fur. "Tails. It's okay. Shadow knows who I am now," she said. "I'm sorry for what I said. To be honest...you are the smartest kid I've ever met. Maybe...even smarter than my grandfather." Tails wiped his tears and blushed. "Please Tails...I'm sorry." Tails smiled at her slowly. He then wrapped his arms around her and hugged her. Maria hugged back, sniffling. "I forgive you," Tails said. Maria smiled. Shadow walked to her and put her hand on her shoulder. Maria looked up at her and smiled at Shadow. Shadow then carried her, and skated off.
Shadow skated until he saw Silver. Silver's eyes widened as he saw Shadow carrying Maria. "Silver," Shadow began. He put Maria down and walked to him. "I'm sorry for being mean." Silver slowly smiled. "I'm sorry too...for hurting you." "I was really the one who hurt you. And everyone. I'm taking Maria to a place to stay. And I'm staying with her." He held her hand tightly. Maria looked at him, her mouth slightly opened. She was surprised for how Shadow was being so caring now. "Thanks for the apology," Silver smiled. Shadow picked up Maria. "Thank you...for everything," Shadow smiled. He then skated off into a small house. "Is this where you live?" Maria asked. "It's not much really," Shadow said. He then walked in, taking her to his room.
Meanwhile, Sonic walked through the night alone. His ears were drooping and his eyes were still filled with tears. Suddenly, he saw something pink in the moonlight. He ran to it. "Amy!" Sonic called out. The pink figure turned around. It was Amy. "Sonic...," she said.
Back with Shadow, "Maria. There's something...I need to tell you," Shadow began. "Yes Shadow?" She asked. "Amy...I'm here to say...," Sonic began.
"I'm sorry for hurting you," Shadow said.
"And for being so cold," Sonic said.
"The truth is," Shadow began.
"You're the only one that has always been so thoughtful and caring," Sonic said.
"And I missed you so much," Shadow said.
"I do care about you. I care about you-
-a lot," they both said.
Both Amy and Maria stared in their eyes. "What are you saying?" Maria asked. "Are you okay?" Amy asked.

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