Easy as pie

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It didn't take long before Tails finished his device. The next day, Tails called in Silver and Amy to come in. Sonic said hi to Amy, but she ignored him. Sonic watched her back turned to him.
"Alright. The device is complete," Tails said. There on the floor was something that looked like a capsule. "What does it do?" Amy asked. "This is a cryogenic stasis device. Silver, you will have to figure out how to get Maria's body into this capsule once you take it with you," Tails explained. "And don't worry about plugging it up. It can turn on itself when you place Maria in and close it. Do you think you can lift it?" "Easy as pie," Silver said. "Wrong dessert, Silver," Sonic said. "It's actually piece of cake." Silver and Amy rolled their eyes.
"How long would we have to go?" Silver asked. "Over fifty years ago," Tails said. "Shadow's been around for that long?" He asked, his eyes widened. "It's a long story," Amy said.
"Anyway, Amy, you also have a job," Tails said. "What do I do?" Amy asked. "There's a slight chance that Maria won't be able to survive in her human body. So we need some of your DNA and put it inside her." Amy shook in fear. "Wh-what kind of DNA?" She asked. "Just a simple small amount. I'll talk about it when you guys get back," Tails said. "Silver, you guys ready?" "We're ready," he said, taking out his purple chaos emerald. "Make sure she doesn't get hurt," Tails said. "Got it," Silver said.
He and Sonic took out their chaos emeralds, and together they said, "Chaos control!" They then opened up a space-time rift. Amy, Sonic, and Silver all jumped in the portal, and the portal closed.
"Good luck," Tails said.

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