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Yoongi finally found the absolute best and most comfortable position to lay in, according to him at least, when all of a sudden the bed started creaking.

He ignored it at first, until it got faster and more frantic. He rolled around, refusing to open his eyes. He was absolutely done with this bullshit.

"Jimin," Yoongi made a dramatic pause.

"Yeah?" Jimin asked after a few low grunts.

"Will you please stop humping the pillows."

"Why?" Jimin asked as if it was the dumbest request he's ever been told to do, which trust me it isn't.

"Because one its two in the fucking morning and I should've been asleep by six, but you oh so shitting nicely asked me to binge watch some adult cartoon with a nihilistic old man and a stuttering 14 year old idiot. I admit the shit was lit but it's time to fucking sleep and I honestly don't want to deal with your humping habits at two in the I should be asleep morning," Yoongi ears twitched as he ranted, just a teeny tiny bit but the sleep was starting to get to him and he didn't have the energy to summarize his day or the reason for not dealing with this bullshit.

Jimin had moved into the house a few months earlier and Yoongi fucking bitched for weeks. He refused to eat in the same room as the slobbering dog hybrid.

What made the meeting worse was during the first few weeks the dog had tried to play fight with still grumpy cat which led to the younger getting scratches all over his 'gorgeous' face.

He refused to acknowledge the fact that maybe he kind of accepted the younger, which he didn't, into the house. But up to this day he will never and I mean never accept the dog's libido.

"But hyung I haven't rutted against anything for three days and my dick is deprived of some very thorough loving," Jimin whined but at least stopped thrusting against the pillow so roughly, which meant the bed didn't move as much.

"You do whatever doesn't move but do it as gently as possible," Yoongi fucking hated how they slept in the same bed, especially on days like this. Why couldn't they get two single beds? Practical bullshit my ass.

"Okay, hyung!" Jimin flashed the sleep deprived cat an eye smile even if Yoongi could barely see, when had he even opened his eyes?

Great, now he had to bother closing them again.


i am way too young to even be writing this shit. oh well, it's almost my bday anyways so one less year to feel guilty about reading and now writing smut!

[(lower case intended)]

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