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Warning! Shitty Smut

"Then, let me hump you instead."


0 to a 100 real quick. Well, that escalated quickly. Whatever other fucking memes could go with this sudden turn of events.

"What?" Yoongi asked dumbly. What does humping him solve? Nothing, that what and unless nothing is the problem Yoongi isn't going to do anything the stupid mutt is telling him.

"You heard me. Let me hump you instead," Jimin looked as casual as ever, as if he isn't asking the most ludicrous request on the planet. Jimin sat on his long forgotten bed and placed his hands on his lap, staring at Yoongi with an expectant gaze.

Yoongi stood there, mouth agape and eyes wide.

"What does that solve exactly?" Yoongi asked the dumbass. He rubbed his eyes, wanting to get rid of the bullshit that was Park Jimin.

"Well, for one I won't 'rape' your precious ashtray bear and we'll both feel good so I don't see what's wrong," Jimin tilted his head innocently.

"How are you sure I won't just hide him from you?"

"I can just sniff him out and there ain't a place in this house I don't know about. You take more afternoon naps which gives me plenty of time," Jimin grinned, a glint of mischief in his eyes.

"You wouldn't dare!" Yoongi blurted out, it came out weaker than he'd like. This was fucking blackmail, can't he just have a clean bear and naps together.

"Try me."

The two stared each other down and little by little Yoongi's resolve weakened. Oh, what the hell.

"You promise no one will know about this?" Yoongi felt the heat rise in his cheeks and was grateful Jimin didn't bring it up. The gratefulness was short lived when Jimin suddenly yanked him towards himself.

Yoongi was then sprawled on the bed with Jimin on top of him, a smirk playing on the younger's lips.

"I promise, baby but on one condition," Jimin grinned, baring his fangs at Yoongi.

"You call me daddy," Yoongi eyes widened but before he could protest Jimin had already pinned him to his bed, holding him by his wrists. He raised them above his head and used one hand to tightly grip his arms, making sure he couldn't move.

Yoongi trashed around, kicking his legs at random directions, hoping to maybe knead the fucker in the balls.

"Why the hell would you want to be called daddy?!" Yoongi asked, completely baffled by the request. He wasn't completely against it. He just wanted to know where Jimin got the idea of the whole daddy calling.

"Well, I heard Namjoon and Jin one time, going at it and Jin kept screaming daddy so I thought 'How does it feel to be called one?' And since we're already having this arrangement, might as well take advantage of it," Jimin dodged the swift kick the cat aimed for his beautiful face

"I am by no means going to call you fucking daddy!"

"You just did," Jimin grinned cheekily and started licking and nipping at the creamy white skin of Yoongi's neck.

"I did no-" Yoongi gasped, Jimin started sucking on the soft flesh where his neck and shoulder meet.

"Were you saying anything, Yoongi? I didn't quite hear you," Jimin mumbled against Yoongi's sensitive skin.

"Fuck you," Yoongi bit back weakly.

"Hmm, in your dreams," Jimin pretended to contemplate the not offer and quickly shot it down with a whisper in his ear before nibbling at it, blowing a gentle breeze against the sensitive ears, making it twitch. He continued his descend lower.

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