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I'm not a potato I'm cheese, cause I can be grate :>

Jimin was so tired of being the smaller man, and not just in the literal sense. He has somehow almost always given into his petty feelings, letting it take the wheel and run over every moral and person he foolishly let inside his jet black heart.

He couldn't help but be reminded of that one episode in Finn and Jake, not that he watched it at one point, where the demon couldn't get inside unless you opened the door and let them in. It was kind of like that, Jimin always let the monsters in and they've started to corrupt him.

He was becoming demonic and Yoongi let him in. He was a monster, he blackmailed his way into the older man's heart and he was selfish, selfish because for whatever reason being close to Yoongi, even if it was just physical, was one if not the best thing to have ever happened in his life.

He was so happy, it had felt so real but then he was gobsmacked by the realization that he didn't own Yoongi. The hybrid isn't and never will be his, it was such a universal fact at this point that Jimin was absolutely baffled by the fact he was the only on uninformed.

"Jimin, let's start over," Yoongi pleaded with glazed over eyes, he was so fucking tired of this. Why can't it just end? Yoongi, unaware and oblivious, unconsciously reached his own dark shade of grey.

"How do we even do that at this point?! Honestly Yoongi, it's impossible. It won't fucking happen cause it can't! It can't anymore and everything ruined and just so, so fucked up right now!" Jimin clutched his head it frustration, tugging harshly at his hair.

Why was everything suddenly so fucking hard to understand and irritating?!

It was welling up inside him, like an expansion you couldn't afford nor did you need, but somehow you wanted it. He wanted it so bad that he swindled his way to getting it and here it was biting him in the ass.

"We still can," Yoongi tried to convince the younger teen into taking off the made up ropes from his pale porcelain skin.

"How?" Jimin asked desperately, what did they have to do to start over or at the very least smoothen things our before all this. Get a fucking time machine?! Did they have to turn back time to bring the better days?

"Let's go out, as in a date. A real one," Yoongi emphasized the word real, his eyes widening for dramatic effect.

"Where would we even go? Hell?" Jimin bit back sarcastically, irritation and desperation clawing in opposite directions, threatening to tear him in half. He was willing to go wherever at this point.

"We could go to....Blips and Chitz!" Yoongi yelled excitedly, subtly tugging again his binds.

"We can even play Roy : A Life Well Lived!" Yoongi tried even harder to coax Jimin into letting him go.

"After that we can look for some Kumamon merchandise."

"We'll get you even more ashtrays? I didn't know you were such a smoker," Jimin joked, doubt still dancing in his eyes but it was dimmer, easier to ignore.

"Bitch," Yoongi acted casual, he needed to pretend as if nothing has changed for both of their sanity's sake.

"We've established that already, so when do we go?" Jimin shrugged his shoulders and looked expectantly at Yoongi. He sat upright and was now slowly standing up, getting closer to where Yoongi was sitting.

"After we go back home, take a nice warm shower, get decent clothes and mend whatever we can mend."

Jimin silently agreed to the statement by finally taking off the stupid binds, Yoongi sighed in relief and rubbed at his wrists trying to regain some feeling there.

"Things aren't going to miraculously get better but I hope we can try...together," Jimin breathed the word together out, hesitant on using it after what he has done, but he wasn't a saint and they both knew they've both fucked up but they can try.

Yeah, try. The words were like a beacon of light from the darkness they've painted on their blank canvas. It could work, oh god, please let it work.

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