twenty four.

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My hands slipped and two suddenly became four....whOOPS! foursome. I guess we can they were in perfect whoremany, my keyboard started to type on it's own, guess it couldn't control it's whoremones. Okay, I'm done.

Jimin and Yoongi were having the time of their lives, if having the time of your life meant you wanted to shove tissue down your throat since bitch their insides were dead and crying.

This whole party was absolute shit, at least to Yoongi it was or it could be his saltiness talking he'd never know.

"Bitch, you're so damn salty its written all over your ass. No wonder no one wants to tap that," Hoseok commented bluntly, staring at Yoongi you-know-what to emphasize his point.

Yoongi grunted noncommittally at his prying hoe of a friend. He covered up his backside and made sure Hoseok wouldn't get any funny ideas, like trying to get a better view.

"It's just fucking unfair," Yoongi mumbled under his breath, which he refused to call whining.

"Why isn't it fair?" Hoseok pretended to care about his friend's usual bs, when in truth he was checking out some hot chick that passed by cause damn boi look at dat ass.

"Jimin and I are older, damn it! I got them receipts and Jimin won't drop them like your fucking mixta-I mean look at that!" Yoongi suddenly pointed at a random direction, frantic and afraid. He was so fucking screwed!

"My mixta-ke?" Hoseok guessed half-heartedly, his interest vaguely piqued. He raised a brow, concerned for his friend who was talking at rapid fire almost as if he was rapping some lame ass excuse.

"What, bitch nah-" Yoongi cut himself off the gears in his head working and suddenly yelled right next to Hoseok's ears, making the snakeu hater's eardrums bleed.

"Yes, that one," Yoongi boomed, nodding his head in agreement. He was such a fucking genius, look at him making up excuses like a goddamn pro.

Hoseok winced at the sheer volume of his tone, muttering quick apologies to the passerby who'd stare at them weirdly in distaste.

"By the way, where's your daddy?" Hoseok asked just to watch Yoongi squirm.

"B-bitch, what?! The fuck is a daddy, psh I don't know that shit," Yoongi looked everywhere but at his friend's so done face. He did it before, and Yoongi found it just as irritating now.

"I literally tied your unconscious body to my bed so your so called none existent daddy could leave my fishes alone. They are my precious children, and they help me give smack talk," Hoseok nodded his head firmly, seemingly proud of his embarrassment of a statement.

Yoongi sighed and was just about to give in and admit defeat when, "By the way, your daddy's at Daegu," Hoseok stuck his tongue out playfully, more like mockingly, at his friend.

"You son of a bi-" Yoongi was cut off when something, rather someone suddenly yanked him from behind and he was suddenly wrapped in someone's arms.

The back hug surprised Yoongi and he yelped loudly, turning around in preparation of swiftly smacking the stranger across their arrogant ass.

The thought of hopefully committing murder were cut clean when Yoongi noticed who it was, Jimin. The urge to commit dwindled down, but it was still there. Arrogant prick's going to make him do nasty shit.


Yoongi was about to spit fire when once again he was forced into silence by the dazed and groggy look in Jimin's eyes.

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