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If someone got the shameless reference last chapter and now, all I want to say is... I love you 😖 the story is about to come to a close, not that anyone would miss it :/

They ended up going to Blips and Chitz. It was...something.

"How many years do you think I'll last?" Yoongi asked Jimin, daring Jimin with his eyes.

"56 years tops," Jimin held up five fingers and a closed fist with a teasing glint in his eyes, close enough.

"My, my Mr. Park. Do you suddenly doubt the power of my swaeg?" Yoongi did a thing that was suppose to be considered swag, ehem, I mean swaeg.

"No, I just doubt you have the endurance to last long," Yoongi raised a brow and finally got the message when Jimin started to wiggle his eyebrows suggestively.

"Fuck you, I can last long!" Yoongi bit back, willing the butterflies in his stomach to go away.

"Prove it, right here and right now that you can," Jimin replied challengingly.

"Fine, if I last longer than 56 years you're going to fucking buy me all the fucking Kumamon merchandise I want, and if you win we can do that other dare you want me to do, just to prove to you that it's fucking stupid," Yoongi suddenly didn't mind winning or losing the stupidly expensive game. This better be worth the schemeckles.

Yoongi placed the weird contraption on his head and felt his eyes roll back.

"Ah!" Roy looks around frantic and frightened.

"Roy, what's wrong?" Roy's mother asked, placing a motherly hand on Roy's blanketed leg.

"I...had a nightmare, there was this jamless midget and he told me I wouldn't last 56 years," Roy replied honestly and his mother brushed her fingers against her son's hair.

"It's just a fever. Get some sleep, I don't want you missing school on Monday," she walked out of the room and switched off the lights on her way out.

It was now Monday and Roy was seated in front of class, to the right which also happened to be near the window.

"I want you kids to look around you today and think about your future." Roy looked outside and saw kids playing with a football. He smiled happily, "Now is the time in your life when anything is possible." The teacher drawled on.

Roy had won his football game and was now dating the woman he made eye contact with before performing a touchdown. He had gotten a call from his doctor who sadly informed him of his cancer.

Roy is now battling his illness, laying weakly on the hospital bed. His wife, who is now older, sat beside him.

"I'm not...ready to die..." Roy stated honestly, voice weak and brutally honest.

Roy's wife took his hand and replied soothingly, "You're not going to."

Roy managed to survive the surgery. He was now going home with his wife as she wheelchairs him into the house, where friends and relatives applaud his entry. A streamer behind the small group of five reads "CANCER CAN'T BEAT THE ROCKET"

Roy is older still, now with grey in hair and wearing prescription glasses. He was now working in a carpet store.

One of his regular and more frequent customers thanked him, "Hey, thanks for the carpet, Roy."

Roy waved him off with his hand, then he sat down on the chair behind the counter and looked fondly at a trophy that read "World's Greatest Dad."

A voice shouts from the distance, "Hey Roy, you pull those Persian off-white shags for the clearance sale?"

Roy got up and steps onto a short ladder to retrieve the rugs. He lost his balance on the second step.

"Whoa. Sh-shit! Shit!" Roy desperately clutches at the rugs but it was no use he continued to slip of the ladder.

He hits the ground, bones crackling and dies. A large text then appeared and read "GAME OVER"

Yoongi regains consciousness and removes the helmet, dazed and confused until he recalls where he was with a few muttered words of where he was, who his with and who he is.

"Fifty-five years. Not bad, Yoongi. You kinda wasted your thirties though with that whole birdwatching phase but alas it didn't get pass 56," Jimin tutted and continued to skim through the game results, wordlessly handing their tickets to Yoongi, who was pouting in the background.

"Look at this. You beat cancer and then you went back to work at the carpet store? Boo," Jimin invaded Yoongi's personal space and gave him a big, even if his hands aren't, thumbs down.

Yoongi rolled his eyes at his immature gestures.

"Whatever, let's just hurry the fuck up with this stupid endurance test," Yoongi crossed his arms and looked anywhere but at the arrogant mutt.

"But first, I don't think you're wearing the proper uniform, Yoonji," Jimin flashed Yoongi an angelic smile, but the hand that was shamelessly groping his ass bluntly stated otherwise.

This was going to be one fucked up make up sex, not that Yoongi was complaining. He was just glad Jimin was willing to try with and hopefully for him, despite his flaws and naïveté.

Jimin was too good to him sometimes. Yoongi yelped when Jimin smacked said ass and stride away as if he hadn't committed a heinous crime against Yoonbooty.

Yoongi rubbed at the sore area and followed Jimin's retreating form, Jimin wasn't perfect himself, being a total hornball and all.

But Yoongi loved him all the same. Maybe he could prove that to Jimin once he gives him a second chance, looking at his dazzling eye smile. Yoongi knew he wouldn't have to wait too long, he could finally make things right.

Jimin train of thought was no better, he wished to make it up to Yoongi and make him forgive him for giving into his need of petty revenge.

They could make things right again, in the way they have been doing for so long before the sex, before the revenge, before the threesome in chapter thirteen. They could just hiss and make up.

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