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Author is the type of gal to assume and get hurt. She thought she made friends but apparently not 😖 When will author stop being so stupid? Great, now she hates herself again. She's so pathetic. Uhm...nope!

I'm out, author is shit. Past you wants future you to know you suck and you're a very stupid and ugly bitch.

Yoongi shamelessly gaped at the myriad of scars that marred Jimin's back, some were faded but you could tell they were. The presence undeniable and overwhelming.

He was supposed to be hurt and fucking shattered, trust me he was. But he'd be a goddamn liar if he didn't at least admit he was mortified by the sheer number and brutality hidden beneath them, despite the age and time the scars have gone through.

Time may heal all wounds but not this one, well not quite yet.

"Stupid shit," Jimin tried to sound casual and aloof, fuck he shouldn't have turn his back to the trapped hybrid.

"What kind of shit?" Yoongi dared himself to ask.

"The kind that messes you up," Jimin continued with the vague answers, not now. Anything but now, not when they were walking on eggshells, not when things could shatter so easily with the slightest bit of pressure.

They fucked up, they fucked up so bad. Jimin wanted to laugh at their lack of maturity, they weren't kittens or pups they were fucking mature and fully grown adults and yet they're still a victim to this thing called petty and its partner in crime jealous.

"I have time," Yoongi had searching and concerned eyes, he had to be strong. He had to be the bigger man and rise above their own foolish pride. He was a dick but he wasn't that big a jerk to actually disregard the fact that the once stray pup was crumbling, crumbling under his watch.

He wasn't going to hurt anyone as long as he held the title as hyung and most of all best friend, not again.

"Fuck, do you really know where I came from, Yoongi?" Jimin half yelled and whispered in disbelief, propping down on the bed and laying down on his back to stop any wandering eyes linger on his own shame.

"Yeah, the adoption center like almost every other hybrid in almost the entire buttfucking planet," Yoongi went along with whatever Jimin had in mind.

"What if I told you I escaped?"

"That's ludicrous, no one just fucking up and leaves their birthplace, your parents were still there weren't they?" Yoongi dreaded the answer already, this unsettling feeling rumbling like a growling dog, desperate to protect the last piece of bone,

Jimin was too drained to bite back, exhausted physically and emotionally so just this once he spoke about his, ugh dare he call it, feelings.

"They were, that is until they were killed, not that I cared," Jimin stated it so monotonously, as if practiced over and over in front of a mirror and in his head until he jabbed it into his skull and forced himself to believe it was true. The shrapnel of information digging and prodding, making his head throb painfully.

Jimin's parents were as big as an asshole as their owners were, they were about to get rid of them. It was supposed to be in the form of adoption but the bidder changed his mind, calling his mom and dad too old and wrinkly to be of any use.

Words like those were one way tickets to hell. The poisoning was planned in three days, if they weren't adopted by then they'd be shut down. It was how cases like this worked, if a hybrid were ever sent back to their home they'd be given an invisible collar, complete with a timer of when they'd die.

It was a big leap, an inhumane threat and the once rebellious hybrids gave in and licked the boots of their new owners feet. Fear forced them to turn to humiliation and Jimin's parents were no better.

They wanted an extension, a longer lifespan and chance at life. They sold their son, and not in the formal way either, with documents and other necessary shit, they sold him in shady places.

He continuously fucked and was fucked by strangers of all age and kinks. They'd hoard the money to themselves in hopes of paying the gunner enough cash to coax him into letting them live.

It never happened, in fact when the staff found out about the stunt the two pulled they were immediately shot down, blood oozing out. Eyes rolling back and going all white. Jimin was punished too, for letting it happen. They'd say he didn't fight back and family meant nothing as long as he was here.

It wasn't that many the first time, a few whips here and there but it was over just as fast. Jimin was still traumatized, scarred and frightened by the place he once dared to call home.

They were out for a jog and adrenaline kicked in, Jimin running like a madman and arms outstretched ready to clutch the handle and escape, even if he'd be assaulted with a barrage of bullet wounds and stabs.

It was worse that time, the torture lasting for what felt like forever when in truth it was two days. He continuously tried to run away, only to be whipped and chained back to his prison.

It was his 33rd attempt and he finally admitted to himself that, he should give up. It was no use, his only hope of escaping this torture was if someone adopted him or if he died.

It took ages and years before anyone even spared him a second glance. The scars on his back leaving him absolutely no place in someone else's heart when it was apparent he didn't have space in his own.

But then Jin and Namjoon came along, raving about his tight ass and cute eye smile all the way to the counter.

He felt a twinge of hope in his chest and he let himself believe, for all the shit in his life he dared himself to open the lock in his heart and let someone in.

But that someone wasn't Jin or Namjoon and it just so happens that certain someone was right in front of him with a pitiful look in his eyes and Jimin hated how he let his emotions drive him across this reckless road.

Jimin swears his heart didn't skip a beat when Yoongi gave an unsure smile when their gazes locked.

I'll edit and rewrite this when I'm not on the verge of passing out. So sorry if it's shit.

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