twenty one.

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I'm still sick as all hell, but that won't stop me from writing more smut! (づ ̄ ³)

I'm still sick as all hell, but that won't stop me from writing more smut!  (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

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I promised myself I'd tone down on said smut, but then this happened...

Yoongi would never admit to getting down on his knees in a fucking dressing room of all things just to suck some smug douche's dick. Nope, no such thing has happened. Mostly because it was still happening.

"Yoonji, faster," Jimin weaved his small hands through Yoongi's wig, it was a fucking miracle it didn't fall off or something mood ruining like that but since this is a fanfic, no such thing will happen. Probably...

"Mhm," Yoongi hummed as he bobbed his head, taking more of Jimin's length each time he went down.

"That's it, you're doing so well," Jimin praised the older hybrid, who's pace quickened at the praise. Jimin canted his hips in time with Yoongi's movement.

The needy cat eagerly allowing Jimin to fuck into his mouth, he moaned as Jimin's member continuously hit the back of his throat. He'd occasionally gag but when Jimin slowed down for his sake, he'd whine at the lack of harsh thrusts.

Yoongi liked it rough, he hates to admit it but it's actually...really fucking hot.

Of course, the thought would be safely kept in the very dark corners of his mind but his mini me was unabashedly showing its love for the occasional manhandling by straining through the lace-y underwear, leaving a rather prominent tent through the skirt.

"Hmm, you're so good, baby. So good for daddy," Jimin growled when Yoongi massaged a prominent vein with his talented tongue technology.

"Shit. I'm so close, Yoonji. Come on, baby. Open your pretty mouth for daddy," Yoongi pulled off with an audible pop and replaced his skilled mouth with a very eager hand.

Yoongi's pace was relentless, waiting impatiently already know what. Don't play innocent with me! Okay, I'll leave the fourth wall alone now.

"Hurry, daddy," Yoongi opened his mouth, encouraging Jimin to make a mess. He focused his gaze on the younger hybrid instead of his twitching member, gouging out his reaction to his ministrations. They were subtle and barely even there, you wouldn't even have noticed on the first time.

It wasn't their first time however, and the thought was somewhat comforting.

Their eyes met, and for whatever reason it pushed Jimin over the edge. He came in thick spurts, marking Yoongi's pale skin as he breathed out what barely passed as a sound of pleasure but it rung loud and clear to Yoongi.

"Daddy's milk is warm," Yoongi commented offhandedly, his spare hand scooping up some of the residue and licking it off his hand with a few gentle swipes of his tongue.

Jimin groaned at the sight and a fun idea suddenly assaulted his mind.

"Baby, do you want daddy to give you a reward?" Jimin's eyes twinkled with mirth and he was barely able to push the bubble of a laughter from escaping his lips when Yoongi's ear perked up in interest.

"What kind of reward?" Yoongi willed himself to question Jimin's choice of words.

"Why don't you lift that pretty little skirt of yours and you'll find out," Jimin teased, pulling Yoongi closer to him until the older male's upper body was resting between his legs and Jimin's hands were free to roam around Yoongi's lower half.

Yoongi rested his arms on either side of Jimin's sinful thighs and tried to sit upright when Jimin suddenly landed a playful smack on his left cheek, making Yoongi flinch and drop back down.

"If you're a bad boy daddy won't give you your reward," Jimin tutted mockingly, and Yoongi wondered curiously at Jimin's expectant gaze.

The canine waited impatiently before Yoongi finally got the hint and lifted his skirt ever so slightly, revealing the girly underwear underneath.

"Don't look," Yoongi looked away, feeling shy and flustered for reasons he couldn't explain.

"But baby, you look so pretty. It would be a waste if daddy didn't see all of baby's hard work," Jimin admired the view, before he took action.

Jimin caressed Yoongi with sure motions, groping and squeezing. He revelled in the small moans the escaped the older's lips.

"I love yo-" Yoongi stopped mid sentence, unsure if it was even the right time to say something like that.

He lingered on the thought, could he really? Could he honestly tell Jimin feelings he wasn't sure he even had.

Lust and Love mingled too intimately together that Yoongi blurs and fades in their endless battle for dominance, all of which roots to one man.

Well, hybrid but still Yoongi wondered but wasn't able to wonder for long since Jimin had gotten bolder in his enticing stimulations. Now, easing a saliva slicked finger into Yoongi's hole.

The undergarment stretched to the side to give Jimin better access.

"Daddy, n-not here. We'll ngh get caught," Yoongi stuttered in between soft sighs but the movements of his hips begged to differ.

"I'll stop if you can say straight to my face that you don't want this as much as I do," Jimin inserted a second finger and opened Yoongi up even further, mindlessly searching for Yoongi's prostate.

Yoongi had grown surprisingly quiet save for the occasional groans here and there. It had stayed like that for quite a while, the intimacy suddenly suffocating the two and forcing them into silence.

"T-there, oh fuck right there!" Yoongi gasped loudly, voice coming out in a loud whisper. Jimin smirked, found it.

He uncerimonously shoved a third finger inside and started to abuse the small bundle of nerves inside his little kitten.

Yoongi's reaction was exquisite, he threw his head back and groaned loudly, undeterred by the thought of getting caught and shamelessly showcased his pleasure to the sinful stimulations.

"D-daddy, I'm so close," Yoongi eyes filled with tears, vision blurring with the wave of relief that washed over him.

"Uhm, sir? Are you alright in there?"

Son of a fucking bitch.

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