twenty two.

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mesolonely :( i wish i had more friends here TT^TT I suddenly got insecure about updating this story, so forgive the shitty author's stupid feelings. 

"Uhm, sir? Are you alright in there?"

Yoongi's hips stuttered until they came to a complete halt, the fear of getting caught pushed to the forefront of his mind. The thought traveled quickly and Yoongi feared that it would jump out of his head.

The idea made the hybrid want to face palm but refrained from doing so, since Jimin was still brutally thrusting his fingers into Yoongi's warm heat, making sure to jab his fingers against the latter's prostate each time.

"J-Jimin, ngh s-stop we'll get c-caug-ah" Yoongi was cut off with a loud groan, Jimin landing a more authoritative and harsh smack to his left cheek. He flinched and tried to shy away from the pleasurable pain.

Jimin was relentless however and persisted to massage and tease the bundle of nerves inside his hopefully future lover, the high pitched mewls made it all the more worth it.

Even if Jimin was positive they'd get caught any second now.

Jimin didn't stop thrusting his fingers into Yoongi's clenching hole. He secretly hoped Yoongi would come first before what Jimin assume is the cashier opens the door and exposes them.

Yoongi's knees quaked, legs threatening to give out on any second. Jimin being the only thing keeping him upright.

Jimin persisted and prayed that Yoongi would rech completion before the lady lost her patience and slammed the door open.

"I-I'm going in, sir," the woman's tone was anxious and had a hint of what was close to a warning, to whom she was directing it to was a mystery to the lot of them.

Jimin released a defeated sigh and accepted the inevitable, that he was going to get fucking cocblocked again.

"I ain't going to let some cereal box mess with my fucking ship, bitch move!" An oddly familiar voice yelled outside, a resonating smack was heard quickly after.

"What the-" the startled voice was probably holding wherever the hell the intruder slapped her.

"How dare you, slap my-my,"

"-nie, what the fuck are you doing?! You're going to sleep on the couch for a month. Oh my god, I'm so sorry about-" The owner's voice grew smaller and smaller, presumably dragging the traumatized worker somewhere to be bribed into not reporting them to the guards.

Jin was just aesthetically pleasing like that.

"Fucking keyboard, messing with my canon shit," Namjoon mumbled before following his husband to wherever the hell they were going to hide the body.

Jimin was thoroughly confused with the sudden turn of events but at least his boner didn't die, so bitch he's digging in.

He reluctantly pulled his fingers out, Yoongi whining in protest.

Yoongi looked behind him, a silent plea dancing around in his eyes.

"Why did daddy stop?" Tears surfaced to the corner of his eyes, his ears flattened in subconcious submission.

"Cause I'm about to have a meal," Jimin emphasized his statement by spreading Yoongi's cheeks with his thumbs, watching in mild interest and arousal as Yoongi's hole clenched around nothing.

"B-bitch, I'm a fucking buffet-ah!" Yoongi tried to stutter out a retaliation but was cut off with a mewl, hip pushing back to meet the wet appendage moving inside him.

Jimin growled in approval and slapped his right cheek, continuing the harsh treatment as he massaged and spanked Yoongi's subtly plump ass.

Yoongi vision was hazy, eyes brimming with tears of unadultered pleasure. He was close, so fucking close, tipping so close to the edge and yet he wasn't quite there.

He might go insane if Jimin's decides to be a dick and leave him here, but suddenly Jimin pushed a finger in as his tongue continued to slicken Yoongi's inner walls.

Jimin hummed appreciatively as he started a relentless and brutal pace, the vibration pushing Yoongi to the brink.

He threw his head back and moaned unabashedly, riding out his orgasm as he came in long spurts.

The exhausted kitten collapsed on the bench in front of him, arms sprawled and ass still sticking out but he couldn't find it in himself to care all too much.

"Are you alright, sweet cheeks?" Jimin mocked playfully, smacking Yoongi's backside for emphasis. 

Yoongi flinched and tried to get away, which made Jimin's grin turn wolfish.

The fuck did he get himself into? 

Yoongi never ceased to wonder the answer to his silent question, but when Jimin leaned closer to him to give him a chaste but meaninful peck on the cheek. Yoongi couldn't help but think that it was okay, as long as he still had Jimin by his side.

Jimin suddenly bit his ass, making Yoongi flinch. The canine's smile only grew.

Even if the little shit was cheeky as fuck.

i am seriously surprised that some of you care about me, like when? how? why? oh, wait. i'm probably overthinking. no one cares about the useless author-nim...anyways update! 

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