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Warning! Shitty Smut

Yoongi was naked waist down and Jimin pants were pulled down low enough to expose his hard and leaking cock.

"Come on, baby. Don't be shy," Jimin both encouraged and teased the cat.

The kitten hissed at the dog before it was quickly replaced with a mewl. Jimin had started circling his dick around his entrance, smearing Yoongi's clenching hole with precome.

He quickly pulled away when Yoongi tried to lower on his cock.

Yoongi whined, "Jimin, please."

"That's not my name, kitten." Jimin tutted, Yoongi was tempted to call him a dumbass but he didn't, not wanting Jimin to slap his already sore ass.

Yoongi placed his legs on either side of Jimin and leaned down on the seat opposite of him. The position was uncomfortable but he'd manage. Jimin had gotten a nice view of Yoongi's ass, the latter spread his cheeks and almost begged.

"P-please," Yoongi asked, his hole was clenching around nothing and it was quickly starting to get embarrassing.

Yoongi thought he'd finally convinced the stubborn mule but apparently he hadn't. He gasped in surprise at the sudden harsh slap to his left cheek.

"Don't let go and I'll reward you, my pretty little kitten. You'll be a good boy for daddy count how many hits daddy gives. Lose count and daddy will have to start over and punish you."

Yoongi nodded without another thought.

"Mmh~ t-twenty," Yoongi's hole clenched in anticipation. He should be flustered and mortified by how Jimin was getting a full view of how desperate he seemed but he didn't. He just felt needy.

"Such a good boy," Jimin peppered Yoongi with kisses and even kissed his tears away. Yoongi hadn't even noticed he'd been crying.

"You know what you want, baby. Come and get it," Jimin smirked and watched in satisfaction as Yoongi got up from his uncomfortable position and went back to sitting on his lap.

Yoongi eagerly aligned his entrance to Jimin's hard and leaking length. The stupid dog made him wait to long. Jimin helped Yoongi pushed the head in and Yoongi suddenly sunk all the way down.

Jimin groaned in surprise," Eager aren't we my naughty kitten," Jimin released a breathless laugh.

Yoongi waited a few moment to try and get used to Jimin's large size and once he did he started eagerly bouncing on Jimin's cock.

The car started to move along with them but neither paid it any mind, too concentrated on their own pleasure.

Jimin grabbed Yoongi by the hips and helped him go even faster. Yoongi ignored the slight sting on his ass cheeks, whenever it would slam against Jimin's pants, in favor of moaning loudly when Jimin had found his prostate.

"T-there! D-daddy~ D-don't stop! Hah~" Yoongi kept mumbling and talking nonsensically but Jimin didn't mind too much.

"It's feels so good~ Daddy, I love your cock so much!" Yoongi started to drool a bit. A glazed over look on his face.

"You like that, huh? Love daddy's big cock going in and out of your tight little hole. You're a little cockslut for daddy's dick, aren't you?" Jimin growled in his ear.

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