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Someone made my day and I just seriously had to update, screw sleep! I want to virtual hug the hell out of that someone so bad!

Whoops! Smut

This cannot become a normal thing. There has to a protest to abuse against kitten ass somewhere in the law of booty praise right?

Yoongi woke up uncomfortable as fuck with a buttplug, an honest to god buttplug, stuffed into his ass. It didn't help that he was still sore from yesterday's mishap.

He wasn't a kink shamer it was just the fact that most of Jimin's cum stayed inside. Yoongi tried to remove it when he was aware that it was there but Jimin growled and scolded Yoongi telling him to keep it there. He magically woke up the exact fucking moment Yoongi tried to take it out.

What did this mangy mutt want from him, a fucking child? Can he not see obvious the dick hanging in the front.

"I'm taking it out," Yoongi hissed at the obvious moron.

"No, you are not," Jimin growled back.

"What is the point of it being here? Does my dick not scream, can't get pregnant already?" Yoongi gestured to himself.

"It's hot," Jimin muttered, dozing off already.

Yoongi was not a kink shamer he swears on his under appreciated dick.

"You kinky son of a bitch, I don't want to walk around with your cum sloshing around in my ass," Yoongi glared at his half-awake companion, the latter stood upright and stared him down before sighing and reverting back to his much more comfortable position.

"I'm stating facts here, you are a literal son of a bitch. What does bitch mean, don't answer that I know you don't know, that's right it means female dog. Since, you're a dog that's means you're a son a bitch. Don't even fight me on this," Yoongi made wild gestures with his hands, as if he was stating some big philosophical bullshit.

He was irritated by the fact that he was a fucking bottom and based solely on Jimin's libido alone there was no way he was going to let Yoongi top, so Yoongi did the only thing he could think of...bitch, a lot.

"Then, does that make you a literal pussy?" Jimin opened one eye and shut it just as quickly when he met Yoongi's gaze.

"I-I, I'm going to look for the creator of that meaning and I will fucking-" Yoongi clenched his fist, the burn stinging his already bruised ego.

"Yoongs, seriously where the hell is all your bitching coming from? I'm pretty sure I clogged your ass so that's a big no."

"It's just that my dick," Yoongi gestured towards his still exposed ding dong, which he definitely should have covered right about now.

"Oh, your dick still exists," Jimin nodded his head, staring at it with fascination as if he's realized it existed just now. The attention would have been embarrassing it it wasn't for the fact that they fucked just a few hours prior.

"What about it?" Jimin supported himself on his elbows and waited for Yoongi to open up to his daddy.

"It's just that, throughout the entire stor-e management it's never been touched. I mean I know I get a lot of ass appreciation here but what about baby Yoongs. He wants to be loved too," Yoongi looked down, genuinely upset. Jimin looked like he was contemplating something.

A lightbulb appeared on top of Jimin's head and overloaded and shattered, since the idea definitely wasn't what Yoongi had in mind.

"Do you want daddy to touch you down there?" Jimin's hand was already ghosting towards Yoongi's still flaccid cock.

Yoongi's body tingled at the sensation but he didn't relent, "I was kind of hoping I could fu-" Jimin didn't let him finish jacking off his still limp member, which was quickly getting harder at the sudden attention.

"No," Yoongi was just about to throw another hissy fit when Jimin suddenly kissed the tip of his dick and sucked. Yoongi let out a drawled moan and tugged at Jimin's hair, trying to get him to take more of his now hard length.

Jimin in retaliated by smacking him on the ass, Yoongi gasped in surprise, then suddenly whimpering in pleasure.

"We're going by my rules, baby. You know how to get me to say yes," Yoongi absolutely fucking loathed the fact that he knows, he does know how to get Jimin and that was to, dare he say it, beg.

"P-please, daddy," Yoongi's voice came out small, which just turned Jimin on more. He hummed in reply and started to shallowly bob his head. He was not going to take in Yoongi' denture length until he put more effort unto his pleads.

"Daddy, baby needs to come, want to give daddy some of his milk. If baby does good will daddy let baby drink his milk too?"

Jimin groaned in appreciation, bobbing his head and taking Yoongi all the way down.

Yoongi mewled when he felt the head of his dick touch the back of Jimin's throat. Jimin swirled his tongue around, coming back up to lap at the slit.

"Spank me, daddy. Smack baby's naughty ass," Jimin wouldn't be able to say no to that.

Jimin spread Yoongi's cheeks apart, groping his ass and appreciating the contrast of their skin tones. He obliged to Yoongi's pleas and smacked him as hard as he could, sure to leave red handprints on his ass after this.

They continued on like that, Yoongi mumbling incoherently, showering Jimin with praises.

Jimin was motivated to try harder, God he loved being praised, especially if it was by someone as cute as Yoongi.

"D-daddy, can I come inside?" Yoongi bit his bottom lip and restrained himself from releasing his load, he was so dangerously close. He was on the verge of tipping over the edge and all he needed was Jimin's consent.

Jimin spanked his ass and quickened his pace, that was a good enough yes for Yoongi. Yoongi threw his head back and moaned loudly. The sound hanging in the air as Yoongi came inside Jimin's wet warmth.

Jimin swallowed as much as he could as Yoongi rode out his orgasm.

He lied down beside the mutt, turning his back and contemplating the bullshit that's gone through his life. Jimin, in particular.

"So, about that getting pregnant-" Jimin probably deserved the barrage of pillows that persisted to try and deck his smug ass.

"Go fuck yourself!"

"Why would I do that if I could fuck you as much as I'd want," Jimin's smile just grew wider when Yoongi flipped him off and grabbed a pair of Jimin's boxer that he knew fit him, he's tried them before, for professional purposes of course.

He hastily put them on and when he turned to face the younger teen he was already clad in his own set of boxers. Jimin wrapped an arm around Yoongi's more lithe frame. Yoongi marched on acting like he didn't just get the best and probably ,not really, kind of first blow job. Not that Yoongi would ever say that out loud.

But hey, at least he kept the buttplug on.

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