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The grocery shopping was absolute hell.

Not only did Jin overthink the prices and importance of the food but he also made it his mission to order everyone to get the stuff he needed for him. He'd also complain about how the product they got wasn't the best or it could've been better.

Jimin was on the verge of blowing up, not only had his mother oh so kindly cockblocked him. Jin also unconsciously made it his mission to make sure they stayed in the grocery for as painstakingly long as possible.

Yoongi's persistent and very much intentional teasing had done nothing to rid him of his problem.

"Yoongi, can you please pick that up," Jin pointed at the fallen can of mushroom, not looking away from the brands of tomato sauce, comparing the labels and expiration dates.

Jimin had glanced from the corner of his eye and almost instantly his eyes widened. Jimin got a pretty damn good view of Yoongi's ass.  Jimin was just about to pass it up as a minor blessing from whatever deity was up there and mentally thanked them for making Yoongi wear jeans that hugged his ass in all the right places.

Jimin was about to look away and pretend he hadn't been staring in the first place when Yoongi suddenly looked behind him and teasingly, very slightly, started to wiggle his ass. He stuck his tongue out when he caught Jimin staring.

The younger quickly looked away and tried to ignore the fact that his tail was swishing excitedly.

Yoongi smirked to himself and stood up straight, even if he wasn't, and acted as if he hadn't been thoroughly torturing the poor dog.

After what felt like half of Jimin's lifespan, they were finally done with shopping and they decided to go out and buy some ice cream.

'Please don't let it be one of those times' Jimin begged silently. Of course, no one listened to his plea and it was so going to be one of those times.

Yoongi, had purposely asked for a popsicle even if there were perfectly and equally delicious looking coned ice creams. The two had sat on separate chairs, since the place was small and didn't have large tables.

Jimin thought that Jin and Namjoon just wanted to have a private and probably adult talk or they just wanted to shamelessly flirt behind their backs.

The two had eaten in silence, that is until Yoongi had started sucking on his popsicle and started to hum as he bobbed his head lewdly.  He removed the offending food from his mouth.

"Daddy, it tastes so good~" Yoongi moaned before licking the popsicle until there was nothing left. He watched in amusement as Jimin stayed quite and motionless even as Yoongi snapped his fingers and waved his hands around, trying to get the younger to move or at least react.

The dog stayed unmoving and unblinking, "I think I broke him," Yoongi mumbled amused by the whole ordeal.

When Jimin came back online, his eyes had a determined glint in them. He grabbed Yoongi by the wrist and practically dragged him to where their parents were, giggling amongst themselves.

"Yoongi and I are going to the car and Jin you forgot to buy the list I gave you. I put it on your notes," Jimin voice was emotionless but there was a lace of desperation.

Jin gave a questioning look, checking his notes and true to Jimin's words there was a list. It wasn't very long but Jin didn't want to admit he'd forgotten.

"Of course, Jiminie. Namjoon and I planned to head back to the store anyways. We forgot a couple things," Jin smiled a slight tint in his cheeks. Namjoon patted him husband's back sympathetically.

Namjoon had handed them the keys, "We won't take long, just make sure to lock the doors and I'll call you when we're going to head back."

The hybrids left in a rush and opened the car door, locking it as promised.

They sat at the back, along with the groceries. Jimin adjusted them impatiently and made a spot for himself, Yoongi sent him a questioning gaze.

"Sit on daddy's lap," Jimin commanded, he had managed to will his hard on away and Yoongi's just had to go and do that and now it was back in full force.

Yoongi, after a moments of hesitation, sat on Jimin's lap as per requested. Jimin pulled him towards his chest, making sure they were flush together.

"You've been a very bad kitten, Yoongi," Jimin growled into his ear. Yoongi shuddered in both fear and anticipation.

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