twenty three.

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thank you for taking the time to read this shit of a story. (I freaking love Rick and Morty, sorry if it can get annoying at times.)

'You are invited to the wedding of Vkook!'

"What the fuck is this?" Yoongi stared at the big bold letters as if they've personally scorned him, in truth they probably have.

'Bitch, it's 2017 text me for more details'

Yoongi rolled his eyes, of fucking course. He grabbed his phone, which was just beside him. It's his life source, if you take it away you might as well suck his soul. Not in that way, uhm no homo.

"All the way homo!" Taehyung suddenly yelled after the third ring.

"How the hell did yo-never mind," Yoongi opted himself to not question Tae's sudden shouting of this stor-e manangement being gay.

"That's a song," Jungkook whispered in the background.

"Fucking hell, not you too," Yoongi whispered loudly, the fuck were these two talking about?! Did they skip the wedding and jump straight to the honeymoon, cause damn bitch you high.

"What's this thing about getting married?!" Yoongi cursed at himself for forgetting why he even called these two horn balls.

"You just salty cause we got married first, even though you're our hyung," Yoongi felt like Taehyung would be childishly sticking his tongue out right about now and Yoongi probably would have yanked it.

"Fuck you," Yoongi hissed, tail swishing around in aggravation.

"I already have, but you know. I'm always up for a round two maybe we can even let Jiminie join in," Taehyung virtually winked by sending him a text.

;) spoiler alert

Yoongi raised a brow but chose not to pry.

"Look at the bottom part, I made that line just for you!"

'Your ashtray's going to be there, asshat'

Yoongi didn't know if he should be touched or disgusted, he was about to voice his concerns but stopped midway. He'll leave them be for now, focusing on the more pressing matters at hand.

"Are you serious about this wedding thing?" Yoongi questioned in his 'hyung' tone, sounds like ring tone but you know it's probably just Yoongi.

"I'm always serious when it come to Jungkook," Yoongi breathed out a small sigh of relief ready to at least try to be a good friend and respect their decision.

"Seriously in love with papi's big di-" Yoongi hastily ended the call, fuck if he knew from experience those two would be banging over the stupidest shit.

Yoongi shivered at the unwanted memory but was unable to stop its bitter assault. Hoseok popped up out of nowhere to make wiggly motions with his hands, which means bitch it's a flashback.

The four hybrids were fucking around at J-Hoe's place, who was out for some dance shit Yoongi didn't give a shit about but he respected and loved the passion Hoseok had for dancing so he wasn't entirely against it.

Hoseok was a pretty damn good dancer too, but don't tell him Yoongi said that. Blame the stupid mutts.

"Chug, chug, chug, chug, chug, chug!" The three yelled in an obnoxiously loud voice, they were always so loud when they're together. Fuck the police, also known as Jin.

Taehyung greedily drank the remains of the carton of milk.

"Oooooooh!" Yoongi looked at the now empty carton in disbelief, did Taehyung really finish that shit?

"You did so well!" Jungkook praised, clapping in unnecessarily proud loud and eager claps.

"Did it make you happy?" Taehyung asked almost shyly, fiddling with his thumbs and looking expectantly at Jungkook.

"Very, don't even ask baby," Jungkook cooed at Taehyung's cuteness, beckoning him to come closer.

Taehyung pouted, but the subtle boxy smile gave him away.

He plopped down gently on Jungkook's lap and Jungkook brought his hand to Taehyung mouth, using his index and middle finger to gently pry his mouth open.

When Jungkook saw that there really was no milk left, he suddenly crashed his lips against Taehyung and the rest was history.

Jimin and Yoongi had to hide in the closet, while the other two shamelessly fucked and made out on Hoseok's new couch.

Let me just tell you, the two didn't see daylight for ages. Sunshine Hobi giving them the silent treatment as he bitched about his favorite spot having 'milk' stains.

Yoongi snapped back to reality when Jimin walked in, drying his hair while a few drops of water dripped down his body.

Yoongi shamelessly stared at Jimin's exposed chest, when Jimin noticed all he did was smirk knowingly.

"You up to some public wedding sex?" Jimin asked teasingly, but the serious look in his eyes let Yoongi know that he wasn't exactly fucking around.

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