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ಠ‿ಠ Smut! I swear this time my hand slipped, significant lack of jokes not that anyone was laughing.

The trip was boring and not worth mentioning so the family of four are now magically transported to the mall, where they already have tickets and don't have to bitch about the long ass line.

"If I could just deck that bitch with a keyboard, I'd be so happy," Yoongi's voice came out husky and nasally as if he was trying to impersonate someone.

"Why?" Namjoon asked his son in between chews. He really shouldn't be eating the popcorn now, but bitch they were too good to resist. It's Jin's fault for buying them too early.

"Look at her, she's fucking ogling Jimin and undressing him with her eyes!" Yoongi gestured to counter bitch, staring longingly at the keyboard she was innocently typing on. She'd occasionally look up from whatever she was doing, to check if Jimin was still hanging around, which he was.

"Jimin, doesn't seem to mind. Let him be. He's young he has needs. I'd say the two would make a great couple," Namjoon grinned knowingly, just a few more pushes and the little jelly bean would take action.

He has needs?! He has fucking needs?! Bitch, he's been given a taste of this gorgeous ass and he's going to settle with that flat ass flirt!

He was hissing at Jimin and the sucker fish, who looked kind of scared at the inhuman sound. That's right, fear me hoe!

It's time to bring up the big guns.

The two hybrids were forced to go in line again because Jimin and Jin wanted another hot dog, Namjoon wiggled his eyebrows at that which successfully got him a smack on the back of his head. It didn't deter the furious eyebrow wiggles and proved to just make them come back twice as strong.

"Hot dog, Hot dog, Hot Jiminie Dog!" Jimin sang a revised jingle, while bouncing on the balls of his feet.

You act like you haven't just cheated on me! Not that I own you or were dating or anything! Don't go all Mickey Mouse on me, your dick is not going to be part of the band!

"Oppa," Yoongi called out, biting his right index finger like a bitch, you already know what's coming. It's probably Jimin.

Jimin nearly dropped his hot dogs at how fast he whipped his head to stare Yoongi right in the face, "What?"

"Oppa, what's wrong? Am I being a bad boy again, do you want to punish me again? Baby, loves it when you hit him hard."

It's official, Yoongi broke Jimin.

The latter was absolutely fucking gone, no matter what rude and inappropriate gestures Yoongi did the younger would not budge.

"Hurry up! The movies about to start," Yoongi stopped roaming his hands around Jimin's torso flirtatiously and walked ahead of him, but not without flashing flatty flirt over there the magical middle wand.

Jimin tightened his grip on the hot dogs
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

and followed Yoongi inside, giving the other hotdog to Jin, who greedily dug in. Namjoon mumbled something about eating pussy like that but then his face scrunched up in distaste and he opted to keep his thoughts to himself.

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