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Oh wow, we just reached 700 reads! I don't deserve this 😭 but thank you, ily guys so much! Early update!(not really)

Wake up, hyung," Yoongi stirred from his dreamless slumber. He looked around groggily, rubbing the sleep off his eyes. He sat upright, vision blurry from the constant rubbing.

A silhouette was looming over him, the person looked concerned or angry, he couldn't tell who it was.

"I'm up," He raised both his arms up in the air for evidence before they flopped back down to his sides, Yoongi quickly following suite.

He was spent, it was like that time he spent a year's worth of energy to run that one lap. He'd rather make music than do that again, and he was no idol.

"You must be tired," Yoongi eagerly nodded his head to the stranger's voice, he must be imagining things, his companion definitely catches his drift.

"From all that sleeping around."

"Nah, man. I just slept on one bed and it is sticky," Yoongi shifted away from the wet spot underneath him, it was his sweat. Thank god, it could have been condense milk or something.

A beam of light assaulted Yoongi's closed eyes and the latter hissed, "Dude, the fuck!"

"That isn't what I mean," Yoongi squinted his eyes to see what the disrespectful son of a bitch was showing him. It was a fucking dictionary, his phone's brightness was in fucking max and it was glaring harshly at Yoongi's poor eyes.

"Sleeping?" Yoongi skimmed through it, seeing the various alternate meanings for 'sleeping'

Jimin was in the verge of popping a vein, he pointed at the one with the word intercourse.

"Oh, I'm sorry I've never been in an international course. I'm not that good at sports," Yoongi was still not looking at the owner of the phone he was now scrolling through.

"Oh shit, you have the same background picture as this guy I know," Yoongi was now shamelessly snooping through the guy's phone.

The phone was suddenly yanked away from his prying eyes and he was met by a very angry looking fruit.

"Hey, there Jim No Jams! I'm just chilling at your friends house," Yoongi lauded awkwardly, looking anywhere but Jimin's wandering gaze, before it stopped. Yoongi followed his stare and landed on the huge ass bite mark on the side of his neck.

He hastily covered it up with his hand and his forced laughter increased in volume, making it even more scary than convincing.

"Chilling without any clothes on? Did you have fun being their bitch hole? Or do you prefer me calling it a pussy?" Jimin's smile was menacing, it didn't reach his eyes. The usual expressive eyes were dead and hollow, numb to emotion.

Yoongi wanted to protest but was cut off, "You know what, let's go on a date. Put some clothes on we're going out."

Wait, that was it? No ass kicking, no dog bitching, not even a bit nose pi-sticking in places it didn't belong in.

Yoongi obeyed hesitantly, finding dirty looking clothes and wiping away the stray sweat and cum. "Can't I at least take a bath?"

"No, you're filthy and you're going to stay that way, besides we don't need to look decent for where we're going," Jimin turned his back, giving him the cold shoulder. Yoongi hunched over, ears flattened as he gave Jimin's back a submissive and apologetic look.

He was just confused that's all, it wasn't even that bad. It was just sex, wasn't that all they've been doing up to this point?

"Where are we going?" Yoongi dared himself to ask, after uselessly trying to fix his messy hair and crumpled clothes. It was no use they were hellbent on staying messy.

"Strip club," Jimin walked out, not waiting to see if Yoongi was following or not. He didn't care at this point, since apparently they weren't as close as he thought they were. He shoved his hands inside his pocket, clenching his fist on the necklace he planned on giving Yoongi before all this.

No use now, he probably wouldn't want it anyway.

(I'm dedicating this chapter to yoonstan, I was having a shitty day and they made me feel better about this story, so thank you! 💖) (ps this potato loves you too!) (oh wow that sounds weird) (don't worry i love you all too!)

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