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shitposting like a mofo like seriously, this is a shit post and you will enjoy life all the more without reading this shit. 

but real talk, my fellow yoongles. i am just (゚ロ゚) - WhAt wHaT WHAT this pure crack, don't drink and drive people, got so much love and support jgjsksnsdhsbdf and I never expected anyone to take notice of this trainwreck and yet, here we are now.

cheesy crap but I highkey love you all for managing this long and putting up with all my bullshit and higher than a rocket jokes.

i looked back for a sec and I choked- my jokes were so dang criiiingeee and yet you my angels still put up with all my extra shit. i know this was all over the place and honestly a complete mess, but i promise to try and improve my writing in the future. i don't have the heart to delete this, it was one of my first's. english might not be my native language but I hope you'll still stand by me through all this ;-; sorry this was really long, like my diiiiiii- okay, i'll stop.

Yoongi felt different, it wasn't exactly the bad kind either. It was just weird and new, Yoongi wasn't sure he liked it.

He vaguely recalled the morning after, which was stupid since a grand total of two months has passed already but Yoongi still couldn't get over it.

The morning after that night, Jimin was shocked to say the least, uncharacteristically mumbling apologies as he kissed Yoongi along the side of his neck.

"I didn't mean to bite you, hyung. I promise not to do it again," Jimin never apologized for anything besides that, back then they had both agreed not to bite, scratch or hurt the other unless it was entirely consensual or completely necessary.

You see, when Jimin was new to the odd family of three, now four, he was touchy- and not in the entirely in a way that was reassuring or lulling either.

It was rough, wild and downright painful. He seemed to have made it his personal mission to exert his dominance and make everyone else aware of that fact.

But Yoongi let it pass, albeit reluctantly, he was striving to be the bigger man of the two, but that was until Jimin took things too far. The blown pupils and feral growl continues to frighten and petrify Yoongi out of his wits up to this very day.

They were both sent to the vet afterwards, both nurturing their own fair share of bruises. Yoongi got it worse however the teeth marks at the nape of his neck was prominent and they sank deeply into his skin, the blood that dribbled down and into the collar of his shirt was more than enough indication of the fact that it stung like a bitch.

Jimin wasn't exactly in a good mood that particular day and provoking him was probably not at the top of his list of great or even good decisions.

He was only yanking his chains, they weren't even three dollars this time, but when he accidentally stepped on Jimin's tail. Everything very clearly went to shit and thus, a none magical friendship was born cause fuck you, Twilight. 

They had harbored a silent and undoubtedly new found respect in each other, the sudden need to fuck everything that moved during puberty just had to come in the bundle that was his eccentric then frenemy turned not really, fine maybe just a little, lover.

"Hyung, I'm horny," Jimin whined in a high pitched tone, latching on to him like a needy side bitch and successfully pulling Yoongi out of his reverie. The latter glared wrathfully at his stupid uhm kind of boyfriend but not all that cause Yoongi is as straight as a strip pole in a gay bar with fake roses and used condoms scattered all around the stage.

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