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Yoongi's ass was sore, of all times Jimin decided to be a kinky shit it just had to be at dinner with the whole family. Yoongi distracted himself, skillfully avoiding Jimin's sultry gaze, by thinking about basic things that people would give thought on almost everyday.

He shifted around his seat thoroughly uncomfortable, Jimin's not mayonnaise sloshing around like he bitched it would. Then out of nowhere, a sudden question popped into his head.

If a dick is soft, is it called a soft on? Is it called a width?

Yoongi seriously contemplated these things during dinner, what if a random stupid kid eating halo-halo in the middle of nowhere suddenly asks you this? You have to prepare for the worst.

If your memeber is hard, is it called a band?

So many questions roamed in his mind freely. He needed answers.

"Mom, is my dick in a band?" Jin spits out his drink, drenching Namjoon in ice tea. He deserved that for trying to sneak a kiss or an ass grab, you can never be too sure with Joonie.

"Why would you say that?" Jin was nudging Namjoon with his elbows, making the latter wince in pain.

"Well, unless it passes the auditions it will stay a dick," Namjoon nodded his head, giving a thumbs up to his husband who looked just about ready to stab him with his shoulder blades.

The two had a mini argument, "What kind of answer was that?!" "I'm guessing it wasn't the answer you wanted?"

Jin stated with finality, giving no room for argument, "You're sleeping on the couch."

"No, this is husband cruelty! You are depriving me of booty praise!" Namjoon whined.

"Unless you give an answer worthy of your IQ then you can go sleep on the couch watching Haikyuu!" Jin rhymed, an angry motherly tone in voice.

"Alright, alright. I can fix this. Daddy Joon's got you covered. Yoongi, you see when-" Namjoon rambled for hours, and I mean hours. Yoongi brain shut down and Jimin just straight up walked out, leaving Yoongi to deal with Namjoon's deep and practically meaningless speech.

Jimin came back with a note in hand, looking fresh out of the shower, since he was drying his hair,with a towel.

"Hey, you okay?" Jimin asked Yoongi unsurely, the cat hybrid stayed frozen in his spot.

"I don't know if Namjoon's trying to be deep and debate-y or he's just saying a really complex innuendo that ducking no one would even understand," Yoongi shook his head. He looked dazed and out of it.

He took note of the piece of paper in Jimin's firm grasp, "What's that for?"

"It's a list."

"List for what?" Yoongi dreaded the answer already, what's a guy with cum in his ass have to do to get a break around here?

"List of times and places you'll call me daddy and/or oppa," Jimin grinned, eyes turning into crescent moons. Yoongi wanted to smack it right off his smug ass.

He grabbed the list and skimmed through it, glaring at every last one.

"Oppa at cinemas? Bitch you high?" Yoongi looked as if he wanted the paper to burn in his gaze.

Jimin's still didn't waver, in fact it just widened threatening to split his face in half.

"Unless you want to call me daddy there, though I think it's going to be more obvious."



"You got no ja-decency," Yoongi caught himself before he quoted father dearest, Jimin wasn't given the chance to bite back.

"Jimin, Yoongi get ready we're going to the cinemas! Namjoon's treat!" Jin yelled from the master's bedroom, he sounded out of breath and Yoongi had a pretty good guess why.

If smiles could kill, Jimin just slaughtered an entire race. Jimin's face screamed 'nasty' 'r18' 'bitch do not approach'

Oh, hell no!

Public sex next chapter? I don't know how it will play out though ;-;. (I'm open to suggestions) lol the buttplug has been in for way too long ✌🏻️😏

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