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WARNING: Kinky, shitty happenings. Avert your eyes children! (Even though I'm 68% sure your probably older than me) *stops self from adding one more number*

"What the hell do you plan to do to me, horn ball!" Yoongi gritted his teeth.

"I liked the Yoongi on chap- earlier. He was more open to trying out new things," Yoongi felt vulnerable, yeah no shit. It was probably the fact that his legs were wide open for all the world to fucking see.

"Hoseok won't just allow this to happen," Yoongi bit back weakly, oh who the fuck was he kidding. J-hoe, of all people, protesting and defending his clearly exposed friend. Don't make Yoongi saugh, sob and laugh together. See they made a nonsensical child name.

"I called Hobi when you left, I already knew you were coming over to his place. He was more than happy to oblige if it meant getting your angry ass laid. Oh, and I may or may not have bargained him with a video or two," Yoongi could hear the cheeky grin from a mile away.

It took a moment for the words to settle in his head and when it did...

"The fuck are you talking about, what video?! There will be no such thing! Tell Hoesuck my ass to draw himself a picture book of obscure dicks because it will never happen!"

"Alright, alright I won't show it to him," Yoongi breathed out a sigh of relief.

"It will be for Jiminie's eyes only," Yoongi sucked in the breath he just released and coughed.

"No!" Yoongi searched for the source of Jimin's voice but couldn't since everything was silent save for the sound of shuffling every now and then.

"You really know how to kill a guy's boner," Jimin was suddenly, very, very close.

If Yoongi wasn't bound he might have jumped back in surprise.

"I'll kill more than just a fucking bon-" Yoongi was cut off with a gasp of surprise, Jimin's thumbs were spreading his cheeks apart, exposing his hole even more.

"So pretty," Jimin praised, staring appreciatively at what Yoongi could only assume was his asshole , Yoongi wasn't give time to give a snide remark before Jimin was diving right in.

Jimin lapped hungrily, circling his tongue but never actually going inside. He wet Yoongi's warm entrance until saliva was dribbling down his chin and Yoongi's ass cheeks.

Yoongi bit his lower lip, refusing to make a sound. Jimin didn't seem to like the solemn silence very much, finally pushing his tongue in as deep as it could go.

Yoongi breathed heavily at the sudden intrusion of the wet appendage. Jimin made quick work of his tongue and thrusted it in and out, wetting Yoongi's hole even further.

"F-fuck," Yoongi moaned, the sound husky and deep. He spread his legs even wider giving Jimin more room to work with. Jimin hummed at Yoongi's unconscious cooperation.

The sound reverberated inside and Yoongi groaned at the pleasant tingle. 

Yoongi was slowly turning into a fucked out mess, when Jimin started to push a finger inside along with his tongue. Jimin keeping up the relentless pace, thrusting at different tempos making Yoongi hyperaware of their presence.

Yoongi threw his head back, mouth agape in a silent scream, "Jimin, please," Yoongi begged the younger teen, who obliged despite the lack of endearment.

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