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Whoops! Threesome. (has been given the silent treatment since chapter 9 :( *sniffles*)

"I don't think this is a good idea."  Yoongi was on all fours on the bed, still fully clothed. The wing wong straining through his tight jeans. Damn you, jeans! Trapping my King Kong like this...

"We know it's not," Taehyung corrected, out of breath. The two had just orgasmed and as promised Yoongi was joining round two, or was it four?

"Can't I just you know, walk out and pretend this never happened?" Yoongi suggested in an unsure tone, did he want to back out?

Taehyung was unzipping his ass huggers and exposing said ass to his two companions. They threw them somewhere in room, uncaring and forgotten.

Yoongi flinched at the cold air that meet his now bare skin or was it the fact that his two bed buddies were eagerly groping his ass cheeks and spreading them apart, staring at the pink pucker presented to them.

He wasn't used to having a small audience, it was almost always just Jimin and his apparent love for ass.

"So pretty," Jungkook complimented, before diving in and plunging his tongue inside without a second thought. Yoongi tightened his grip on the bedsheets below him and whined quietly, one person already knew he was a screamer. He didn't need two more people to finding out about it.

Yoongi vaguely wondered where Taehyung was when Jungkook suddenly groaned, the sound sending little pin pricks of pleasure down Yoongi's spine and straight to his groin. Taehyung was busying himself with some cookie monsters also known as Jungkook's ass for all you unawares.

Jungkook pulled out and replaced his tongue with a finger, sliding it in easily, "You've been getting a lot of action," Jungkook teased with a bunny smile present on his lips.

After a few more experimental thrusts he pulled his finger out only two come back with vengeance. The sudden stretch of having three fingers thrusting inside so brutally excited Yoongi, the thought of getting caught was gone replace with the bliss of pleasure.

Jungkook's moans were becoming more consistent as Taehyung went back to working his entrance open, thrusting his long fingers just as harshly, matching Jungkook's rough tempo.

Their synchronized groans filled the air, the room oozing with the smell of sex. Yoongi was losing himself in the haze, eyes rolling back and mouth agape.

"I want to fuck you," Taehyung whispered, suddenly very close to his ears, tail wagging in excitement.

"Don't use your words," Yoongi breathed out, staring at Taehyung with glazed over eyes. Taehyung gave a boxy grin and whispered something in Jungkook's ears, to which the bunny hybrid smiled at mischievously.

Jungkook manhandled him and flipped him over, his sweaty back making contact with the crumpled sheets.

"Hyung," The bunny hybrid crawled closer and closer to Yoongi's face until their noses touched, the older male going crossed eyed by trying to maintain the eye contact.

Their lips made contact, Yoongi's eyes widened in surprise before they fluttered close and reciprocated the kiss, humming in approval as Jungkook tongue met his in a sloppy dance.

Jungkook grasped his hardened length and aligned it with his entrance, lowering himself on Yoongi's member as they continued to make out messily.

At the same time, Taehyung thrusted into his neglected hole, Yoongi mewled into the kiss, unsure if he should thrust up or grind down.

He wasn't given much time to think it through, the power duo starting a merciless pace. Yoongi was weak to the pleasure, mind fizzling in and out of coherent thoughts.

"F-fuck, you look so hot, hyung," Jungkook muttered dazely, no longer in a lip lock with Yoongi, just as debauched as the kitten below him. Taehyung nibbled at the nape of his neck, making Jungkook hiss appreciatively.

Yoongi watched as the two made out, thrusts stuttering as they got closer to coming again.


"Tsk, so needy hyung," Taehyung tutted jokingly, but obeyed.

Yoongi threw his head back, mewling loudly, unhindered by the fear of being teased for being loud.

"I-I'm going to-" Yoongi screamed, cum filling Jungkook's hole and the latter greedily milked him of every last drop. Jungkook invaded his personal space again and bit down harshly on the side of his neck, leaving a giant bitemark there as he came as well, Taehyung quickly following suite.

Yoongi whined at the overstimulation as his entrance was filled with Taehyung's come.

They panted, thoroughly spent and exhausted.

"Let's agree to never speak of this again," Yoongi huffed and let Taehyung pulled out and leaned in to steal a brief peck.

"But maybe we could do it again," Taehyung suggested as he gathered Yoongi in his arms and plopped down beside him, Jungkook doing the same.

Yoongi wasn't sure about what to feel or do, so he simply laid there. He waited for his two friends to fall into a hopefully peaceful slumber before letting his eyes droop.


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