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I don't know how strip clubs work tbh, so I'm going to make up rules as I go. I hope nobody minds :')

Yoongi and Jimin headed to the nearest strip club, which Jimin apparently had some kind of shady background with, considering how the stereotypical bouncer nodded his head in some kind of respect shit and let him in without so much as a word. Yoongi could have sworn there was adoration in the muscular man's eyes.

"What are we suppose to do here?"

"Entertain," Jimin stated bluntly, spot light suddenly focused on him.

"And there is no we, you're staying here," Jimin headed on stage and suddenly music was playing in the background, Jimin's lifeless gaze shifted into something more sultry, flirtatious. Yoongi wouldn't have been able to look away even if Hoseok jumped out of nowhere, stripped and danced to Touch My Body.

It was like the music was dancing to him and not the other way around, he started to grind against the air. The cat calls and inappropriate shouting grew even louder.

All of a sudden a woman walked out from the back stage and everything went to shit.

She was wearing the typical bunny outfit, complete with the tail on her behind, either it came with the attire or she really was a hybrid. Yoongi wasn't give much of a chance to ponder on his observation, since the woman was suddenly all over Jimin.

The latter did nothing to stop her, let her touch places that shouldn't be touched. The two started to messily grind against each other, the bunny bitch grasped the end of Jimin's shirt and started to teasingly raise it upwards.

Yoongi's eyes blurred then and he was frozen in his seat, the show suddenly anything but tantalizing. It just stung, something deep inside him was throbbing painfully against his ribcage, as if one wrong move and the foreign object would beat the wrong way and get stuck in between the white bars it's always called home.

It could grow too big and Yoongi would be imbalanced and in pain, suffering endlessly and wondering why? Why did it feel like he was dying?

However, he remained in his spot, he was just masochistic like that.

The uproar was near phenomenal, everyone eagerly waiting for the moment they touched skin on skin, stared eye to eye and practically fucked each other senseless afterwards. It was a routine here, after putting a good show you were given the opportunity to sleep with one of the entertainers there.

It was fair game, but at the same time it wasn't.

Jimin groaned when he felt the stranger cupped his cheeks from behind and groped it harshly with her manicured nails. Jimin in turn snaked his arm behind her and started to unzip the bunny costume, making her back face the crowd as he lowered down ever so slightly and started to suckle on her now exposed and well endowed chest.

This wasn't even a fucking striptease it was straight up foreplay, Jimin lost track of what he was doing, body moving on autopilot. He wasn't in control, instinct and familiarity wormed around his veins and poisoned it but he let it. He never bothered for a cure and for a second, just for a second, Jimin assumed Yoongi was the very antidote he was looking for.

He wanted to laugh bitterly at the naive thought, it was obvious he wasn't. He was playing a fools game if he dared himself to believe Yoongi could ever reciprocate the feelings that came with being free.

The show was over too fast for the audiences' liking but it was like a breath of fresh air for Jimin, he hated doing things like this, reverting back to something he'd sworn to never do when the numerous stab wounds embedded into his back would bleed.

Jimin got off stage and strategically ignored the lecherous gazes of men and women alike, keeping his eyes on his current choice for tonight.

"I swear your prone to favoritism," the same woman from earlier joked casually, a mirthful smile playing on her cherry red lips.

"Do you mind if I bring a friend," Jimin asked instead of replying to her offhanded comment.

"It's your choice, you've entertained enough people to get a few extra privileges," she shrugged her shoulders and let the smaller teen, Jimin swears it's the heels, drag her to their supposed extra companion for tonight.

"Yoongi, lets go!" Jimin nudged him with his free hand and manhandled him to the spare room where all the lucky guests and high bidders got a little taste of heaven and hell.

Trust me it was going to be hell, you can ask the now hollow void in Jimin's chest for proof.

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