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I'm only going to give bits and pieces of le smutty smut, so prepare your pop por-corns because it's about to be a bumpy ride! (I'm still sad and dreadful but I think I'll manage, until today decides to repeat itself and make me feel out of place and probably worthless...again)

Enough with my angsty bullshit no one cares about, I saw a peach passing by and I just want to say...noice 👍🏻

Jimin haphazardly strapped Yoongi to the chair, using some crappy belt as a mock chain. (Unnecessary but "They call me mock chain!" *Mic drop* *is hit by potatoes* "My children!")

"Just stay there and enjoy the show," Jimin chastised lightly, Yoongi was pleading with his eyes. Not daring to say a word as tears threatened to dribble down his cheeks in an unbridled gush of pain and betrayal.

Jimin was no better, his hand was curled in a tight ball, creating a fist but he restrained himself from doing anything harmful to the hybrid. He felt his nails dig painfully into the skin of his palm and he disregarded the pain completely. He was used to it by now.

He turned his attention back to his, for the lack of a better term, sex friend. She was casually smoking on the left side of the bed, lost in her own train of thoughts as she lay naked and bare on the damp and cold satin sheets. She was exposed and vulnerable to the two men but she knew Jimin wouldn't hurt her, he never had the courage to even when she deserved it.

"Is your friend just going to watch?" She asked as if she cared about the answer, either of the options was fine with her as long as they wore protection and avoided unplanned pregnancies, her girlfriend would kill her if she did that. Mystery girl didn't approve of her line of work already she didn't want to fuel the fire of her disapproval and disappointment.

"It's either he does or he doesn't, do you have a problem with that?" Jimin raised a brow, eyes hollow and dead, he shouldn't have ever let himself love. The negativity came back in full force, it rattled him to the core. When had he become so easily manipulated by love, the same love that had broken him years before.

He was stupid then, and he was helpless as his heart stumbled upon the very edge of the table, tipping over the edge and regardless of fast reflexes or not he wouldn't have been able to stop the fall. It was ecstatic at first, falling in reverse at what he stupidly called love only to suffer backlash, the heart shattered as it made contact with the ground.

The sudden breakage was terrifying, and it made his insides rumble and shake and he fell onto his knees, shutting down like an overused toy that was left on for so long, motionless and pliant under any and all that came upon the now useless toys path.

All this emotion coping was making his brain hurt, and he must have blanked out again. Jimin was already kissing and touch the lady's skin, never on the lips, and made quick work of his tongue, tracing a wet trail all the way down to her dripping folds.

Jimin dug in, licking and sucking at areas he knew were sensitive. The woman not to far above was mewling in pleasure, it was soft and not at all loud like how pornstars always did it. They were soft and gentle sighs, Jimin felt special since she always had a tendency to fake her moans for the sake of getting some rich and desperate man off.

Jimin's mind fizzled out once more, giving into his carnal desires and doing what his inner dog told him to do. He barely registered the fact that he was gently easing a condom onto his miraculously hard length and was pouring a generous amount of lube which he had brought with him for when Yoongi would say yes.

No use now, it was already ruined.

Skin grated against skin, slapping against each other in a messy and lustful dance. It was just sex, this was what just sex felt like at least to Jimin. Both of you were aware of the pros and cons in your arrangement. You knew what you get and what you didn't but with Yoongi he thought there was something more.

He hoped that despite his heinous and unforgivable course of action to pursue these feelings, Yoongi would be willing to give him a chance, to at least prove himself. He wasn't asking Yoongi to swoon and be swept off his feet, he didn't want time to reverse back to the times when Jimin would hump inanimate objects just to get Yoongi's attention.

He wanted a chance, a shot to prove to himself and others that he was more than just a stray mutt. He was a human being that could love despite his shady and not so respectable history before this.

She suddenly wiped at the right side of his cheek, a concerned look marred the beautiful woman below him, "Are you okay? You're crying," she whispered the words softly, as if aware of the situation between Yoongi and he.

"I don't know anymore," he refused to give any further information than that. Jimin opted to quicken his pace instead answering with even more lies. It didn't take long for the two to finish. Jimin came into the condom with a loud groan, the woman below him clenching around his length as she too reached her peak.

The two stayed motionless for a second, breathing heavily as they tried to desperately catch their breaths.

"I-I have to go," the petite girl up and left, not bothering to look decent when she went outside. It wouldn't make any difference whether she looked respectable or not, everyone knew she wasn't.

Jimin refused to look back, he can imagine Yoongi's horrified face in grotesque detail perfectly fine without seeing it right before his eyes.

What Yoongi said next baffled him completely, "W-what happened to your back?"


The author would like too say she loves you and she completely understands if you hate her for making this story have plot and not complete smut and crack ❤️ she also understands if you decide to drop the story and pretend it never existed, she is just happy to have had you there with her even if it's for the briefest of moments.

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