A Gaze

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You were nothing like Evan Hansen. The complete opposite, rather. People saw you, said hi to you in the halls. You didn't have social anxiety or mental disorders. You had friends, and even some guys chasing after you. Which is why you didn't expect to get along with Evan. But yet, you did.

As fate would have it, you ended up in the same history class together. On the first day of school, you entered the class talking with your friend and sat down in your seat. It wasn't until the middle of class when you saw him. The first thing you noticed was his hair. Light brown, and combed neatly. Then he turned around and looked at you. The two of you locked eyes and you began to make a mental sketch of him. He had a cast on his arm; you wondered how that happened. But the thing that you loved most about him was his eyes. They were a color that you couldn't quite place, but were able to express every single human emotion that there ever was. You continued to hold his gaze until he blushed and turned away. You couldn't wait for the end of class to come. Finally, the bell rang and you sprang out of your seat and made your way over to him.

"Hi!" You said."I'm Y/N. And you are...?" 

"Uh, my n- name, it's-s Evan." He stuttered nervously.

You smiled. "Hi Evan! It's nice to meet you." You said.

"N-n-nice t-to m-meet..." He began. You were puzzled. He took a deep breath and started over. "It's nice to meet you too." He said. 

There was an awkward silence. "Um, would y-you like to sign my cast?" He asked. 

"Of course!" You replied happily. You wrote a message of decent size on his cast with a sharpie that he gave you.

The bell rang one last time. "Well, see ya later Evan!" You exclaimed. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw him look down at your message and smile.

If you ever need a friend to carry you, I'm here. 

Xoxo, Y/N


"So, see any cute guys on your first day of school?" Your best friend Y/F/N asked over video chat.

"Well, there is this one boy, his name's Evan, and he's kinda cute. And I'm not talking about looks. The way he stutters, it makes him seem so innocent and childish in this cute way." You told your friend.

"Hmmmm...." Y/F/N thought about this. "Well, why not just ask for his number? If you already introduced yourself to him, that should be easy." Y/F/N suggested.

"I'll see. Maybe tomorrow." You said.


Hi everyone! Please give me your feedback in the comments; I want to see how I'm doing. Thanks for reading! 



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