Moment of Truth

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Evan had come over to your house for the project, and you were a bit nervous since he would be meeting your mother. She had always been protective of you, and she was especially cautious when it came to boys. When you put on a dress for school, she told you, "Don't be flirty and don't let anyone touch you." When she saw you talking to a guy, she would say, "You better not have a boyfriend, Y/N." But hopefully she would handle Evan fine.

He had walked with you from the bus stop to your house, and you had told him all the significant details about your family: how your mother was a house-wife while your dad worked, and how you had two little sisters who were eleven and four. They were a big responsibility for your seventeen year-old self, but they loved you, and you loved them. He had listened intently to everything you said.

Finally, after several minutes of walking, the two of you arrived at your house. You walked up to the door and unlocked it. With a deep breath, you opened the door and walked in, with Evan on your heels.

Your youngest sister noticed first. After running across the hall to hug you, she saw Evan and took a step back. She became very shy. "Y/N, who is that?" She asked in an innocent voice. You crouched down and took her hand, leading her to Evan. "Y/S/N, this is Evan. He's a friend of mine. Now be polite and say hello." You told her. She smiled and gave a shy hello. Evan waved in response. Your other sister, hearing voices in the hallway came skipping in. Her eyes widened when she saw Evan, but then she smirked and put one hand on her hip. "Ooooooh, mom's gonna get so pissed when she sees him." She remarked. You grumbled about him not being your boyfriend to her and led Evan to your kitchen, where your mom was.

When she saw Evan, she stopped what she was doing and crossed her arms. "He your boyfriend?" She asked with a scowl. As you were used to this, you rolled your eyes and said, "No mom, he's my history partner. But Evan, on the other hand began to hyperventilate. "Uh, we-no-Y/N-history-partner!" He nearly shouted. Your mom chuckled and said, "Grab a snack and get to work." The two of you obeyed her and went up to your room.


"Harsh mom." Evan remarked. The two of you were up in your room, working on your project.

"Eh, after seventeen years of living with her, you learn to deal with it." You responded and made your way over to him. "Hey, about those emails, did you show them to the Murphys yet?" You asked him in a soft voice. You sat down next to him, aware of how fast your heart was beating.

"Yeah, the mom is okay with them, but the father and his sister Zoe don't think they're real." He said. You noticed how he seemed to get uncomfortable with saying Zoe's name.

"Well, we'll make them seem real!" You said over-enthusiastically.

He grinned and said, "Damn right." The two of you got back to work. There would be some minutes of silence, but it was mostly filled with talking and laughter. Occasionally your mother would come up and make sure that the two of you were working, but other than that, it was fine, except you had one nagging question on your mind.

"Do you like her?"

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