The Start of Something

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"So for this project, you will need a partner. I am allowing you to pick your partners for this one." Your history teacher, Mr. Park said. "Choose wisely."

You scanned the room. Everyone was rushing towards their best friends, chatting excitedly about what they would do. Then finally, you saw him, standing alone in a corner, looking out of place. You walked to him just as your friend was coming up to you. 

"Hey, what are you doing?" She asked you. "I thought we would be partners." She said.

"Sorry Y/F/N. I'm gonna work with Evan on this one." You apologized. 

She looked sad. "Oh. Okay." But then her face lit up and she realized what was going on. "Oh, Okay!" She skipped off to another person, humming a happy tune.  

You made your way up to Evan. "Hey Evan! Want to be my partner?" You asked him.

His face showed both happiness and confusion. "Really?" He asked. "But wait, why would you pick me? I saw your friend come up to you."

You smiled sadly. "Well, you didn't have a partner, and well, I guess I sort of felt bad for you" Evan lowered his head and looked at the floor. "So is it a yes or a no?" You asked him.

He snapped his head and looked at you. "Absolutely." 


You had exchanged numbers and addresses with him, and the next day, you walked up to Evan's door and knocked. He opened the door after a few seconds, which felt like years to you. He smiled.

"Hey, c-come in." He said. You happily obliged. The two of you made your way up to his room and he told you to make yourself at home.

"So, where's your parents?" You asked him. He seemed really uncomfortable by the question.

"Well, um, my mom, s-she's at work and my dad, w-well, my d-dad..." He started off, then sighed. "I guess he's somewhere."

You were tempted to ask more, but you decided against it. "Sooooo, how 'bout we get started in this project?" You asked him. 

He nodded. "I think t-that's a start." You sat criss-cross applesauce on the floor and he sat on the bed. More than once he had offered to sit on the floor and give you the bed, but you refused. "It's how I work and I'm comfortable with it." You told him. He decided not to argue with you. 

A couple hours later, there was a knock on the door, and a woman with blonde hair came in. "Evan, I-" She froze when she saw you. "Oh. Hello! I'm Mrs. Hansen." She said to you.

"Hi," You said standing up. You went to shake her hand. "I'm Y/N, Evan's history project partner." 

She smiled. "Did the teacher put you two together?" She asked.

You shook your head and smiled. "Actually, no. I asked him."

It took her a moment to process what you had just said. "You-Evan-partners-asked-him?" She managed to stumble out. She suddenly rushed forward and hugged you, catching you by surprise, but you hugged her back. "Thank you." She whispered in your ear.

At this point, Evan was up and separating his mom from you. "Oookay Mom, you can go now." He said uncomfortably.

"No, it's okay, it's getting late, I should probably head home anyway," You said. "My parents might be worried."

"Oh, okay." Mrs. Hansen said. "It was an absolute pleasure to meet you, Y/N."

"It was nice meeting you to, Mrs. Hansen." You said, shaking her hand once again. You turned to Evan now. "See ya tomorrow, Evan!" And you left the Hansen house with a bubbly feeling.

A/N: Hi guys! I'm making the next chapter or at least half of it in Evan's perspective, and tell me in the comments if you guys want this story to follow the plot of the musical, or if you just want it to be its own separate thing. Thanks!



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