Arguments and Advice

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Warning: Language!

"You WHAT?" Zoe stopped dead in her tracks and stared at you.

"Um, yeah, I visited your brother's grave." You said.

She gave you a quizzical look and kept on walking alongside you. "Well. I'm not sure if that's comforting or creepy."

"I just went there to clear my mind, you know? I mean, I didn't really know him, so I don't think it would make sense for me to just show up there and start sobbing." You told her.

She shrugged, then put a hand on your shoulder, motioning you to stop. Up ahead of you guys was Jared and Evan, talking and smiling like nothing had ever happened. They then shook hands and Jared walked away. Evan turned around and saw you and Zoe. He smiled raised his hand a little in greeting. Zoe nodded and you waved.

"So, seems like things are getting better," Zoe remarked. "After all, Jared isn't screaming at Evan anymore."

You nodded slowly. "Yeah, I guess they are."

As you guys moved forward through the hall, whispers from the other kids seemed endless. You could feel Zoe tensing up next to you, but she said nothing and looked straight ahead.

Out of the corner of your mouth, you whispered to her, "Zoe. Don't. Do. Anything. Ignore them, keep walking."

Zoe listened to you and did as you said. As you came to the end of the hall, your best friend turned the corner. Her face lit up when she saw you. "Hey Y/N! I haven't seen you in such a looong time. Where on earth have you been?" Her smile dropped when she saw Zoe next to you. She narrowed her eyes. "What are you doing with that little bitch? Are you...friends?"

Zoe's hands balled into a fist. You nudged her and she relaxed. "Relax, Y/F/N. She's not a bitch. Once you get to know her-"

Your friend exploded. "You know her?!?! What the fuck Y/N! Have you been hanging out with this little piece of shit?"

You stepped forward and put Zoe behind you. "How can you say that when you don't even know her?"

She snorted. "Come on, Y/N. Haven't you seen Connor's suicide note? It's obvious that she's the reason why he's dead. Her and her rich, stuck-up parents." There went Zoe, tensing up again. But she knew better than to fight.

"You didn't even know Connor! The only reason why you pretend to care so much is to make yourself look good! You know what? You're just an attention seeking whore." You started to walk away, with Zoe on your heels.

Your friend turned around and smirked. "I can ruin the rest of your senior year. I can tell everyone everything. Then you won't be that perfect girl anymore. You'll just be a bitch who has no respect for a dead boy. Do you really want to play this game?"

"Listen bitch, I don't play games, I win them."


"Y/N, I have no idea what to say right now." Evan was sitting next to you on his bed. After the little scuffle in the hallway, you brought Zoe home, since it was the end of the day anyways, then made your way to Evan's house. "I can't believe that you actually did that."

"I was defending Zoe!" You told him. He looked at you and made a face. "Okay, I got carried away while defending Zoe and may have just ruined my senior year."

"That's more like it," He said. "Y/N, you shouldn't have done that. Do you know what people are saying about you already?"

You smiled. "Do you really think I care what other people think of me, Evan?"

He smiled and shook his head. But the truth was, you did care about what other people thought.

"Y/N, just...don't do anything that might get you into trouble." He said.

"I'm already in trouble, Evan. There's no point of saying that." You told him.

He shook his head. "I mean, don't get into anymore fights. I know that you're trying to do what's best for all of us, and I love that, but...please. Don't."

You kissed him. "Okay. I'll try, but no promises."

He kissed you back, and you ran one hand through his hair and one on his cheek.

"I love you."

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