Too Much For One Heart

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"Do you like her?"

The question seemed to echo throughout his room. You studied him closely, trying to look for signs. Sure enough, he started to blush. 

"Um-I mean, it's-you know, well, I guess? Zoe's j-just so perfect." He stuttered anxiously. 

You tried not to show your disappointment and put on a happy face. "So then ask her out! There's no way that she'd turn down a guy like you. Do it, Evan." You told him. 

He looked up at you, his eyes beaming. "Wait, really? You won't mind?" 

"No, of course I won't mind! If it makes you happy, then go for it!" You said enthusiastically. But the truth was, you did mind. You minded a lot. And sure, you could brush it away, but it would still be painful.

He gave you a wide smile. "Thank you so much Y/N! I'll see you tomorrow!" And with that, he rushed out the door, leaving you alone in your room. 

"No problem." You whispered to yourself. And at the exact time you said those words, you began to break down.  


You had told no one about the incident in fear that someone would tell Evan. For the next couple of days you hadn't seen him, so you kept to yourself mostly, occasionally exchanging small talk with your friends. But you started to miss him, so on Sunday you headed on over to his house to surprise him.

With a fluttery feeling in your body, you knocked on his door. No one answered, but it was open, so you walked inside. You looked around the living room and the kitchen, but nobody was there. You assumed that Mrs. Hansen was at work. As you made your way up the stairs, you began to get anxious.

"What if Evan isn't there? What if he doesn't want to see me?" 

Questions flooded your head. 

"Shut up Y/N. Stop worrying." You told yourself.

You made your way to Evan's room and opened the door quietly, so that he wouldn't know that you were there. But what you saw made your throat become dry and you couldn't talk.

It was Evan. And the Murphy girl, Zoe. On his bed. Kissing.

You took a few steps backward and closed the door quietly. Hopefully they hadn't know you were there. Holding back tears, you ran down the stairs and out of the house; you had no idea where you were running to. But you didn't care. You wanted to get as far away from there as possible.

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