A Source of Comfort

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You and Zoe were sitting on her couch in the Murphy's living room. You had a box of tissues in between the two of you and Zoe constantly was reaching for one. After you found her in the bathroom, you cleaned up her wrists and had her change her clothes. You let her sleep for a few hours, not leaving her side in fear that she would cut herself or do something even worse if you left. You gave your parents a text that you had a project to work on with a friend and told them that you would be sleeping over. It was almost midnight when she woke up.

Now, your arms were wrapped around Zoe and you were comforting her in that big sister type of way. After some minutes of this, she finally began to talk.

"I couldn't take it anymore, Y/N. I just couldn't." She whispered. You looked at her quizzically, but said nothing. "After the note went viral, things got bad. I wasn't the dead kid's sister to everyone anymore, I was the bitch who didn't care about my poor, depressed brother." She put her head down. "I willed myself to be strong. I thought that I could make it through all the comments and threats. But after Evan...after he revealed the truth, it all went to shit. People got my number and gave me threats, they whispered at school, goddammit, they even shattered my window. And...that's when I gave up." She started to cry again, but forced herself to stop. "Sorry to pour this out on you, Y/N. It's just...you seemed like the person to go to."

You picked her chin up and looked her in the eye. "Zoe, it's not your fault. You've gone through a lot this year, I know. Which is why I came to you. Remember, I'm always a phone call or a text away."

She smiled through her tears. "Thank you so so so so much, Y/N. I don't know where I'd be without you."

You smiled back at her. "Just promise me one thing," You said. "Don't ever think of doing that to yourself again."


The next day, you searched the school, looking for Alana. It was your free period when you found her looking through her locker. You never really talked to Alana, the two of you were quite different. When she saw you walking up to her, she gave you a wide smile. "Hey! How ar-" You pinned her up against the lockers before she could even finish her greeting.

"What the fuck were you thinking? Putting that note online?" You growled.

She glared at you. "Because everyone had to see it. It was my responsibility to raise money for the orchard, and that's how I did it." She said.

"Oh, so you didn't care that you totally ruined the Murphy's lives? Do you even know what they have been going through?" You asked her.

"Well, it's their fault for not caring for their son! That's what they deserve." Alana shot back.

You were about to yell, but you had to catch yourself. Remembering that only a handful of people knew that the note was a lie, you stepped away from Alana.

"I don't know how you can sleep at night." You remarked. And with that, you wheeled around and jogged away.

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