Clear the Slate

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It had been three months since you talked to Evan. Ever since the incident, you two weren't exactly on speaking terms. It's not like you were mad at him, it's more like you felt that it was best if you stayed apart. Maybe that's how it should have started in the first place.

You could definitely say that your life changed after you met Evan Hansen, and probably for the worse. The only people you could call your friends were Zoe and Jared. You made up with Alana, after apologizing for what you did to her. But when people saw you in the halls, the whispers rose up. Nothing you could do except keep your head down and pray no one bothered you.

But it was finally here. Graduation. After four years of rotting in this living hell called high school, you were done. And you could not wait to go to college. College meant a new start; a new you. No more whispers, no more tears. No more Evan.

During the ceremony, you watched your peers walk across the stage, all of them smiling, some of them even had tears in their eyes. Jared, of course, yelled something inaudible and was briefly escorted off the stage. He still got his diploma, though.

You watched and waited until it was your turn to receive your diploma. Your mind was exploring everything that could go wrong at that point, but there was nothing to do but wait. Eventually, you made your way up the stairs. The moment you stepped on stage, there was silence. Unlike most of the other students, when your name was called, there were no ear-piercing cheers. Nothing, except modest clapping, a yell from Jared, and some motivational words from Zoe. You walked off the stage as quickly as possible and back into your seat. You kept your head down until you heard his name.

"Evan Hansen."

The entire auditorium roared. People were standing up, cheering as loud as they could, and some were even jumping up and down. You looked over at Heidi, and sure enough, there were tears in her eyes as she was standing up and clapping. You turned to your family. Your mother had a scowl on her face and your father was tight-lipped. They knew that Evan had something to do with your injuries, but they didn't know exactly what. Your sisters, on the other hand, were cheering like crazy. They had no idea what Evan had done to you. And you wanted to keep it that way.

After the ceremony, you decided to stay in the auditorium for a few minutes while everyone was outside. You stood in front of the stage, closing your eyes and taking in the moment. After a minute you heard footsteps and turned around.

Evan. Of course he's here, and of course you two are the only ones left in the auditorium. He shifts uncomfortably, and after looking at him for a moment, you finally spoke up.

"Congratulations." You said, trying to make it sound meaningful.

"Thanks. You too."

"So," You start, trying to make it less awkward. It's not helping though. "Are you all set for college?"

He nods slowly, and you figure that he doesn't want to discuss this topic. You search your brain looking for things to talk about. After a minute, you realize that you want to speak from your heart.

"Evan, I want you to know that I'm not mad. I mean, obviously, I was after the accident, but I am genuinely happy for you right now. And maybe things would be best if we could just start over, right now. This is probably going to be the last time we'll see each other. I don't...plan on coming back here after college."

There's a brief silence between the two of you. "So what you're saying is," Evan says slowly. "That we can start over, forget everything that's happened, and move on with our lives?"

You nodded. "Can we try that?"

Evan smiles. "It's not so impossible."

You smile back at him.

And the rest of the world falls away.


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