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At the end of the school day, you literally ran into Evan. His cheeks were streaked with tears and he was on the verge of a panic attack. You grabbed him by the shoulders and looked him in the eyes. "Evan! What happened?"

His eyes darted back and forth and had trouble speaking. You nearly dragged him to the nearest empty classroom and sat him down on the floor.

"Okay Evan. Breathe. Deep breathes." You told him, rubbing his shoulders and breathing with him. Once he seemed calm enough you began to prod gently. "Evan...what's wrong?"

He squeezed his eyes shut and grunted out, "Alana...s-she found out. And t-t-then she threatened to...tell everyone the truth."

You gasped. "How did she find out?"

He shook his head. "I..I don't know." He began to get another attack, and after a few minutes, you calmed him down.

"C'mon, I'll walk you home." You dropped him off at his house and kissed him goodbye. "See you tomorrow." You told him. He didn't say anything, but nodded slowly and stared somewhere into the distance. You glanced over your shoulder as you walked off his porch and saw that he was sitting on his porch steps, fidgeting with the hem of his shirt.


The next day, you searched for Evan in the halls and in the classrooms. He wasn't anywhere to be found. You began to panic and started running around the school, completely ignoring the fact that you were skipping class right now. With a heavy feeling in your heart, you figured out why he hadn't come to school that day and raced to his house.

You burst through the door to find Mrs. Hansen preparing a coffee. Before she could ask you what was wrong you asked her in a frenzy, "Where's Evan?!"

She looked confused. "He just left for school. Why? Is something wrong?"

You didn't want her worrying over Evan, but you decided that it would be cruel to not tell her. "Evan didn't show up at school today." You decided to leave out the part of Alana finding out.

Heidi became suddenly worried. "What should we do? Y/N, you know Evan better than anyone, maybe even me. What's your plan?"

You thought about this. "I'm going to call some of my friends. Right now, you can call the police, try to contact Evan as many ways you can."

While Heidi got busy, you texted Zoe and Jared.

I need you guys to come over

to the Hansen house. Right. Now.

OMW with Jared. What's up?

Evan's missing.

As if on cue, the doorbell rang and you opened the door to Jared and Zoe. Naturally, they flooded you with questions. You led them to the living room and "briefed" them. "Alright people, listen up. Evan's missing, and I'm pretty sure it has something to do with the Alana thing yesterday."

Zoe cut into your little speech. "Y/ you think he..." She asked in a quiet voice.

You looked her straight in the eyes. "Yeah. I do."

A/N: I'm Baaaaack! I was in Delaware for a couple weeks, so sorry bout that.



Evan Hansen x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now