Chapter 6: will it work?

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(Marcy's POV)

I wake up slowly and hear crying I turn my head and see PB. I see letters on the floor. My eyes pick up names from prince's. I sit up and float over and wrap my arms around her.

"Bonnie, what happened at the cave.... I'm sorry.... And why are you crying?" I ask giving a worried look, she Stays silent.

After a few minutes her little sob create her voice. "Wanna go to a ball?"

"A ball?" I asked questionably. "I'm a little busy..."

"Okay...." She murmurs.

"I am gonna go home... But do you want the letters thrown away." I ask.

"Yeah please..." I turn and bend picking them up and heading to the door. I stop when I hear her voice pick up. "Hey marcy..."

"Yeah... Bonnie..." I say looking at her.

"Can I have a hug before you leave?" She asks looking at me.

"Sure." I throw the letters away and then fly over and hug her. Holding her tight.

"I'll see you letter?" She asks hugging me back.

"I'm not sure....I'll try to come back in a few days..." I let go and fly out the door, I see her nod and then I close the door. I fly through the castle and find peppermint butler in the kitchen.

"Hey! When's the ball?"

"Tomorrow night. Why do you ask Marceline?"

"Just wondering, thanks bye." I fly out a near by window and fly in the cool night. I go home and draw the face for the nightosphere on the wall. I go to the kitchen and slam the milk on the wall. I fly through and go to my dad's closet and grab a tux. When I turn around my dad is standing there.

"Marcy... What are you doing?"

"I need this. Bye dad, thanks..." I say kissing his forehead and then flying out. Then I close the portal and go to my bedroom and hang it up in the bathroom. Then I take a cold shower. When I get out I blow dry my hair and lay down with my guitar. I start strumming the strings. And soon fall asleep dreaming about tomorrow.


"Hey princess. How are you tonight?" I ask PB, as she looks so beautiful in her pink dress. It has a lacy cape on the back and she has small straps holding it up. Her hair in a braided bun. Her eyes dull from the none interest in the party. I go to kiss her hand and she snatches her hand away. She yells for the guard and then I'm being picked up and thrown. I wake up when I hit the ground. When I look out my window and out the cave intranet it's around noon.

I stand and get ready, it's nightfall when I'm done. And glad to know I look good in a tux. I change my hair so it looks ubber short. And then I put on a hat. I huff and go to my book self grabbing a book. I open it and cast a speed to enchant my voice for the whole night. I sigh and start heading out.

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