Chapter two: insanity

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(Marcy's pov)

I float above my sofa, strumming my guitar. My head racing, no lyrics in my head just a melody. I start humming with the melody of my guitar.

"I'm just her problem..." I sing then I keep singing from my head. Once I'm done I'm in tears and actually sitting on the floor, in a ball. Why do I keep thinking of her. I have shut myself of from her. But Bonnie's face clouds my mind.

Someone knocks at me door and I jump up. I wipe my face and float to the door. I open it seeing Finns small childish face, and Jake's small cocky figure standing there. Happy looking holding a basket ball.

"Hey Marcy, wanna shoot some hoops?" Finn asks with a cheer in his voice.

"Nah guys... I'm a little busy." I say getting ready to close the door.

"With what?" Finn asks being very pushy and persistent.

"Finn buddy lets just come back to-" Jake goes to say but I cut him off.

"I'm writing a song, so, yeah come back... But uh, come back in a few weeks..... Okay?.."

"Yeah, okay Marcy. Bye." Finn says, he turns and runs out the cave, but jake is standing looking at me.

"What?" I say with a tone of sadness.

"Marcy.... Are you sure you're okay?"

"I'm fine jake, if you don't get going squirts gonna come back...."

"I know.... I'll see ya around Marcy." Jake said as he turned and starts walking out the cave. I sigh, floating back I close the door. Then I fly up stairs and jump when I think I see PB . I throw the apple on my desk at her and she poofs away. Then when I turn around PB is right behind me.

"Marcy why have you shut me out?" PB says in her small tone of sadness.

"Go away! You're not really Bonnie!"

"I'm as real as you make me Marcy. Please come visit me. Please....Ma-" I cut her off as I fly down stairs, opening my door and flying out. My hands over my ears. I fly fast through the cave and out into the night. I fly into the woods, in the shade and stop at a river. The nymphs screech and run off.

I look at my self in the river, my greyish pale complexion rippling in the water's surface. Now I miss her more than ever, but I think all of this for the better. I sit there for a while and ten head back to my Hubble safe house, when I get there a banana gaurs is there putting something through my mail slot.

I wait for him to leave an then I float in an pick up the letter. Then instantly throw it down. The smell of princess bubblegum all over it. Why is she sending me this? Is just my mind playing tricks on me? I lean down and pick it up, taking it out it's neatly folded envelope.

It reads:
"Dear Marcy, I just wanted to say hello since we haven't talked in months. How's the music coming along? You should come visit some time.... - P.B"

I lay the note on the sofa and just look at it, when I turn around PB is there looking at me.

"Marcy come on. Please vi-"

"No! Bubblegum you are my imagination! Go away! Leave me be! I don't want to think about you anymore!!" I yell throwing my guitar. I float down on the floor hitting my knees. Then I just fall over curling in a ball. Why? Why is she in my mind? Do I want to see her? No!

I float up in anger and fly to my room and start throwing things. Soon my whole house looks junked and nasty. I scream and yell in frustration and then just sink into a corner and stay there.

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