Chapter 8: the faliure

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(Marcy's POV)

I walk in, looking around I hear peppermint call PB's full name. She walks through the doors looking like the most honorable person here. I see Finn and Jake and go to walk to them but stop and just stay where I am. I keep my eyes on PB, the other prince's crowding her. All I want to do is go sweep her away.

When I start to walk that way she runs out. I walk to the men.

"You all are idiots... Don't bum-bard her. Jeez."

"And who are you?" Wildberry prince asks looking me up and down. "Ya don't look like a prince."

"I am the prince of the nightosphere. And I will eat all of your souls!" I mumble barring fangs. They back away some and I speak some more "now when she comes back in don't be so rude. You hormonal bastards..." I say with a attitude.

I walk away and stand in between two columns staring off into space. I lean against one and stand there arms crossed in disapproval of the stupid men. I look around and then see PB staring at me. Why?

Oh yeah, prince get up and all. I sigh and stand straight like a prince. I straighten my jacket and start walking towards her. I feel something hitting my chest. I see my dad's necklace. I mumble in dissatisfaction "oh no..." I think in my head 'if it doesn't decide to be tricky then everything should be okay'.
I ignore it and keep walking. I get to her and bow.

"Milady." I say bowing hissing the necklace in my shirt and then I look up at her. My voice changed for the spell.

"Good evening. I hope you are enjoying the ball." She says her face looking rather annoyed.

"I am milady, other than the hacks over there. Bum-boarding you like a bunch of hormonal women." I say standing straight and look at her. She's so pretty. "You look very beautiful tonight princess"

"Thank you and I agree. I'm actually quite glad you didn't attack me". She says looking over to them giving a small laugh. "A bunch of children.."

I give a small chuckle. "Like two years old, bugging their mommy for a new toy. When their father said no...." I have a flashback to my father taking all the stuff I had ever gotten. Toys, fries, and jewelry. I miss my mom.

"But yea, bunch of children.... So how are you Toni-" I stop when my stomach growls and I give a small huff. "I'm sorry princess I didn't eat before coming..."

"it's alright." She goes over to the one of the food tables and hands me an apple. "Want one?"

"Yes.... Uh... Thank you...." I eat the apple and I drop the shrivels thing on the floor by accident. I bend to pick it up and my fathers necklace comes out of my shirt, with out my knowledge. I straighten again and throw the apple away. "Thank you"

"Yah... Umm..." She points to the necklace. Then she clears her throat. "Can I ask for your name?"

"My name is prince Nicholas of the nightosphere..... I'm little Marcy's brother...." I say smiling proudly how a man would.

"Oh... So that's your fathers my guessing. Does Marcy ever go home much... Or do you see her often. I mean... Sorry never mind." She looks at the ground then shakes her head and lifts her head with a fake smile. "Do you dance?"

I sigh an the sadness in her. "No we don't see her at all anymore. And yes my fathers necklace. You probably didn't know she had a brother..... But then again she probably doesn't mention her family at all...... Sorry to carry on about family problems, but yes I'd love too." I take her hand and pull her into the gardens. "Too many people in there, loud and noisy.... Is out here okay?"

"Yes... It's much better. And yah she didn't mention it much. But what about you. Do you stay at home."

"Yes..... I have too, dad's getting in real bad shape and he needs someone to take over..... Marcy won't so I have to....." I say looking away from her.

She stays quiet and has a thinking look on her face. "Then I bet she will appreciate you doing that.." She says kinda looking at me.

"Hm... Maybe not..." I say looking away then I feel a tingle on my chest then I see a glow. The necklace. "Princess get away from me...."

"What?" She looks down at my necklace and backs away. "What is it doing?"

"I'm sorry Bonnie...." I push her back and down and turn. I jump and fly out of the candy kingdom. When I turn around Finn, Jake, and banana guards surround her.

I get to the fire forest an change, and when I do I fall. Hitting the ground and hard. The necklace flies off and I lay there on the ground. I hear a growling and I look up. My vision blurred, but good enough to see the pack of wolves staring at me.

They come out and I get up to move. I turn to run but fall back down. I turn to see the fire pup and then my father poofs up and scares them off. He turns around looking at me.

"What has happens to you Marceline? You have fallen down so many hills...."

I huff and he bends down grabbing the necklace. Then he poofs away. I stand and walk and kinda float back to my house. When I get to my door i collapse.

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