Chapter 42: Problem Gone

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(Marcy's pov)

I flew fast, to get the Finns door, but when I did I stopped. Floating there. What if she asks? What do I tell her? Bonnie, I did what needed to be done. No... Well I could but what would she say.

I her someone behind me, turning around I see Lady, and the kids. Jake jr., T.V., Charlie, Kan Kil Whan, & Viola.

(Since lady's language, isn't my forte she is speaking English.)

"Marceline? We where told your father took you..."

"I got away..."


"My.... I'll explain once I go inside, that way everyone hears... Wow the kids have grown up so much."

"You should see my powers!" Charlie says. She runs over to me and grabs my hand. Then in a blink of an eye we are on the roof. I smile at Charlie, "so what do you think Marcy?"

"I think your powers are coming along great." She teleports us down and I feel lightheaded. But I smile and look at the other. "Well? Are y'all gonna show what you can do?"

Soon I'm bum barded with the kids showing me their powers. Then I look down and I am all different colors. First green, then blue, then pink, lastly red. I stare at my hand and then bite it. "Alright kids watch this." I suck the red from my skin and everything on me changes back to it's normal color.

They all look at me. I smile and scream. "I'm coming for you all next." They scream and then dart. I smile and stay floating there and I look at lady. "Their growing up fast..."

"As rainicorns do. What about the baby that was in you?"

"It... I guess it's-" I stop as I get a massive headache. I collapse to my hands and knees.


"Get Bonnie..." I say holding my head soon to black out on the grass. In the broad sunlight. My hat falls off my head.

"Why did you get rid of me!? I thought you loved me! I was yours and you just have me away!"

I look towards the yelling and see a little boy. With pink hair, red eyes, and grayish pink skin. Is this the baby I was suppose to have? It can't be, this is not my child.

"No! I am your child! You just don't want to believe that I look so much like her! I should have looked like father and you. You're a sorry excuse for a mother!"

"Shut up! I could go through with it!"

"But it's okay... your happy with out me aren't you! But are you happy with out these!" He screams and soon light spreads from him to Bonnie, Jake, Finn, lady, the kids, and everyone else. Everyone falls, all except Bonniebel. I feel anger when the others fall, but when I look at Bonniebel, I see her eyes filled with sadness.

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you mar-" she falls and my eyes go wide. Then I hear all of them calling my name. I feel tears stream and then I look at the boy.

"Goodbye...." He says slowly. "Mom." Then he dissappears.

I jolt upright, seeing everyone standing all round me.

"Marcy!" I'm instantly hugged and I hear Bonnie's soft wisper. "I'm so glad you escaped... What happened?"

"My fathers wide helped me..."

"His wife? Wait I'm confused..."

"Wait? Your dad's married?" Jake pipes in.

"Holy shmows! That's mathematical! But why did she help you wouldn't your father know?" Finn says, looking at me.

"Yes, but she said for me to trust her..."

"At the child?" Lady and Jake ask simultaneously.

"She took it out.... But something about her just seemed... I don't know, it made me uneasy. I think she killed it... I don't think anything can live inside her.... Which is something my father won't like... But, I feel bad for doing what I did..."

"But it was for the best... Right? The baby was evil right? You said it kept hurting you." Finn says, I know his heads in the right place, but... This makes me feel worse about killing it.

"Yes....Bonnie, can we go ho-"

"You can't!" Finn yells.

"And why not?"

"Because, you need as much protection as you can't get!"

"Both of you." Jake adds.

"But we have the guards at the castle. Why don't you guys just come to the castle. Just because it's been a smooth week and that I'm in danger I can't stop running the kingdom."

"Okay." Finn and Jake say.

I sigh and the head ache starts to return. I pull out the rubies in my back pocket and suck on the them.

"But isn't it Marcy who's the most in danger?" Lady asks looking at me. But I don't pay them any attention. I'm just trying to get the headache to go away.

"Yes, but... Marcy do you want to stay here? Or go home or... I don't know. Earthier way they can find you,.."

"I want to face them... I want to get this over with.... Without a second thought..... Honestly I want marshal dead, and my father to leave me alone... He tried to make me feel guilty about the baby... But I don't care.... It's done and gone... I mean we can go home, that just means I will probably need eyes from every angle because of the castle being big. Here is small. And less room, but still a lot I eyes... So I do not care..."

All of a sudden a huge black shadow forms across the room. Then I see a woman standing there. "Alright your father and marshal are dead... I'm so sorry Marcy..."

I look at her and stand up pushing past everyone. Finn grabs my hand but I pull away and walk up to the lady. I look at her face. "Are you..."

"Dark, yes."

"Why is my father dead!? What did you do!!" I yell getting closer to her.

"I... He's not dead... Just blind. That wasn't my intention... But marshal may have overstepped his boundaries"

"As usual...but what did they do?"

"Well your father went to go after you and his best quality is his sight... But when I think I things it happenes. But marshal actually attacked me an I defended myself..."

I say quiet. Then speak up. "Thanks...." I turn away from her and then sit on the couch looking down.

"I'm sorry, your father has agreed to stay away... For now."

"Mhm... Bonnie can we go home?"

"Of corse."

We all get up and dark dissappears, then I walk to the door grabbing my hat and heading out.

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