3. Colouring In

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Chapter 3 ~ Colouring In

As if she knew I was going to say that, Brittany whipped out a tin of pencils and a stack of colouring in stencils. She placed them onto my bedroom floor, and then she and Kiara sat down around them. They both stared up at me expectantly.

"Do you want me to come down" I said quietly. I honestly didn't want to get any closer to them, but I didn't want to make them mad at me.

"Duh" Kiara said, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Sorry" I mumbled, leaving the safety of my bed, and sitting down on the floor beside Brittany.

She passed me a stencil of a wolf howling at the moon, then she took a stencil of a hunter with a large gun, and Kiara took one of an aggressive looking bear.

I remember looking in one of the picture books Joy showed me when I asked her about wolves when i was younger. The only things that really hunted wolves were wolves themselves, hunters, and bears- but only when they crossed paths.

Brittany passed me some neutral coloured pencils, but I quickly shook my head.

"Can I have the pink and silver one instead?" I asked quietly.

"Pink and silver! For a wolf!" Kiara said, howling with laughter.

Brittany gave her a glare and elbowed in the stomach, shaking her head discretely.

"Sure, here you go," she said to me in a sickly sweet tone.

I began to colour my wolves ears in the pink colour I was given. My hand began to shake as I took notice of the two girls watching me, and Kiara stifled a laugh as she watched me go out of the lines. Eventually they looked away from me and began to colour in their own pictures.

Next I began to colour it's fur with the silver pencil. I let out a sigh of content once I was done. To finish my piece of art, I coloured it's paws and tail with the pink colour from earlier.

I was about to show Brittany, when all of a sudden loud stomping was heard from outside my room.

"Aw look at the pathetic lone wolf colouring one of her own kind," someone sneered.

I looked up to see Aaron, Thomas , and another boy standing outside my doorway. Aaron gave me an evil smirk and took a step into my room.

"Like your new haircut, loner?" he called out, sending the two other boys into fits of mean laugher.

"Leave me alone" I whined.

"No way! You're just a stupid mutt!" the other boy yelled out at me.

Aaron took a step closer, and I shimmied back in fear. His eyes lit up with humour when he saw this.

"Your such a scaredy cat!" he yelled.

I felt tears burn in the corners of my eyes.

"Shut up Aaron"

I turned wide eyed to Brittany, who was glaring daggers at him.

"Yeah leave her alone!" Kiara shrieked.

"That includes you Thomas. And you too Sean." she fumed.

I couldn't believe it. Those two girls were actually standing up for me?

Thanks for reading :P

The image was drawn by my good friend soph!

you can find her at @happysoapysophie


Does anyone know how to fix the language problem? Soph's webpage is now in vietnamese and she cant work out how to fix it. she tried changing the language but it made it worse...... >.<

Till next chapter...


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