24. Brittany

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Chapter 24 ~ Brittany

Without another thought, Brittany launched me up into the tree. I let out a scream and gripped onto the branch as tightly as I could. My feet dangled in the air as I struggled to keep myself from falling. My fingers slipped on the sharp bark of the branch and I felt faint. I looked down, begging for Brittany to help me, but all I could see was a swarm of wolves. My heart stopped in my chest. She couldn't be dead.

But then a hand reached out of the sea of fur and fangs and grabbed onto my ankle. I struggled under her weight as she tried to pull herself up and free from the beasts. My arms screamed in protest but I knew if I let go, we would both be dead.

If I could talk, I would tell her to not let go. She was my first and only true friend, and even though she had seemingly betrayed me, she came back in the end. She promised to save me.

The branch bent and I whined nervously as my fingers began to slip. We were going to fall. I knew it.

"Mashiro?" Brittany's voice called from below me. It was no-longer scared, or even worried. It was brave.

I looked down at her to see a small frown on her face.

"I hope you can forgive me for all the awful stuff I did to you. I'm sorry for playing a part in this. I'm sorry for betraying you" she said, a tear trailing down her face.

"Stay safe."

Her frown was replaced with a small smile, which seemed to light up her whole face.

Then she did the last thing I ever wanted her to do. She let go.

I let out a blood-curdling scream as the branch bounced back up, after being released from her weight.

I wrapped my arms around it for dear life, then through my panic, remembered what had just happened. I looked down in horror as a sea of wolves covered my friend from sight. I heard her screams echo through the night along with the satisfied growls of the monsters below me and the constant tearing of skin from bones. But the wolves kept going at her. Crack after crack, tear after tear, they ripped Brittany apart. Blood sprayed in every direction and all of a sudden the screaming stopped. The pile of inhumane beasts stopped and moved away from the dismantled corpse. All that was left of my friend was a pile of bloody bones. The wolves below me were covered in blood and pieces of flesh, and began to lick their meal off of each other.

Then the wolf called Sean nudged his friend and soon all the beasts turned to look at me. I was still dangling from the branch my murdered friend threw me on. If she hadn't of saved me, she would still be alive.

I wanted to yell at the monsters, I wanted to hurt them. To tell them how terrible they were and how they didn't deserve to live. But because no words came out I screamed at them. I screamed louder and longer than I ever had before. I screamed at them till my throat felt raw and bloody, and my arms held no more strength in them.

Then a big white wolf launched at me. I felt it's sharp, dagger like teeth sink into the heel of my foot. Thinking quickly, I pulled my foot free and, using its head as leverage, pulled myself up so I was standing on the branch. I wrapped my arms around the tree trunk and looked down. I couldn't believe Brittany was dead. She gave up her life for me. How could I ever forgive her now? I watched as blood from my heel pool on the branch I was standing on and drip down onto the snarling wolves, and began to cry.

Through the cloud of tears blurring my vision, I gave one last look at my dead friend and began to climb higher up the tree and away from the monsters who took her life.

hope this chappie was okay

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