10. A Warm Embrace

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Chapter 10 ~ A Warm Embrace



I watched in a trance as water fell from my hair, and onto the cold, tiled, bathroom floor.

The fog once clouding the room slowly faded away, along with the warmth from the shower.

Blinking slowly, i looked up and reached for the scratchy white towel resting on the bathroom basin. A tear trailed down my cheek without permission as i pulled the thin cloth around my shoulders and hugged myself.

I slowly lowered myself down to the floor and curled up under my towel into a ball. Visions of blood and dead children flashed before my eyes. I flinched and covered my face as more tears began to form in the corner of my eyes.

A hard knock sounded at the bathroom door.

"Yo wolfie, hurry up i need to pee!" someone yelled in a high pitched, impatient voice.

I couldn't bring myself to get up, or find my voice. I placed my head to my knees and begin to shake, suppressing the sobs that tried to escape my mouth. I could still smell the putrid scent of death, and taste the bitterness of blood on my tongue.

I didn't understand what i was feeling, or why i was crying, or why i couldn't speak. The past events felt very surreal, and it felt as though i had just woken up from a blood curdling nightmare. Fear, anxiety, terror, and overwhelming sadness muddled it's way into my head like webs.

Tears began cascading down my cheeks faster than before. All i wanted was someone to hold me, and whisper soothing words to me. For someone to tell me everything was going to be okay.

Another knock sounded at the door, this time harsher.

"Wolfie, seriously. Can you hurry up?!" someone yelled.

Taking in a deep breath, i stood up on trembling legs and went to grab my change of clothes. I was already dry, so i slid them on with little effort.

The blue tracksuit pants and white t-shirt hung loosely over my small frame as though i were a clothes rack. I turned, and went to walk out of the bathroom door when i took notice of myself through the full sized mirror on one of the walls. My silver hair was all tangled and knotted, and sat at my shoulders. My light blue eyes were bloodshot and my face was streaked with tears.

My lips were slightly blue, presumably from the cold dark room, and i had a deep red line along my throat and bruises on my knees, from my scary encounter with ms litch. I also had a sizeable cut on the side of my forehead, which had dry blood caked around it.

I looked disgusting, worse than usual. No wonder ms litch, and the other dumb boys hated me. I shook my head pitifully and swung the bathroom door opened, fresh tears stinging in my eyes.

"Finally!" kiara cried, pushing me out of the way and hurrying into the vacant bathroom behind me.

I looked around the girl's room and screamed. My vision began to flash and the walls became covered in dripping blood. Bodies began to fall from the roof, and a smell so horrid, i felt sick to my stomach, arose. But as quick as it came, the graphic image disappeared, and i was left staring into brittany's fearful eyes.

"Mashiro, are you okay?" she whispered nervously.

I was taken aback. This was one of the first times i could see real emotion in her eyes.

I took in a deep breath and rubbed my eyes, to try and force myself to remain in reality and tried to answer her. Once again i could not form a single word.

I gave her a hesitant nod.

"Are you going to your room now?" she asked unsurely.

I paused at this. The last thing i wanted right now was to be alone.

I began to tremble, and went to nod again, as to not burden her, but she shook her head firmly.

"No. i'm sure you would rather be with us. You can sleep over tonight" she decided, a slight grimace forming on her face.

I begin to cry again, and ran to her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

After a slight, unsure pause, she gave in and welcomed me into her embrace.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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