8. Through The Light

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Chapter 8 ~ Through The Light

-This chapter is dedicated to @pinkreaderteen.-

-Thanks for being awesome!-

Through the blinding white light i saw it. All of it.

I let out a blood curling scream.

Right in front of me, bound by chains, held three bloody rotting bodies.

The liquid ground i was standing on was a mixture of blood and muck. There was a leaking crack in the sticky white roof, which had mould growing out of it. I let out a frightened squeak as a drop of water splashed to the ground. The walls were covered in mould, moss, a yellow liquid, and lots of splattered blood. I felt my hands begin to tremble at my sides as i took a step back. I turned my head around quickly to see behind me, and almost fainted. Against the far wall was even more chains, all nailed up, covered in blood. Two of them held more bodies, one being a small child. I instantly wanted to turn the light off and remove the horrific sight from my mind.

I looked at my hands and my eyes widened in horror. I could feel my skin crawling under the caked layer of moss and blood sinking into the palms of my hands. I took a deep breath and squinted my eyes closed, begging the bile rising in my throat to stay down. But once again, a waft of death and decomposing bodies entered my lungs and i began to gag. I bit my tongue hard, trying to gain control, and instantly blood began to fill my mouth.

I let out another scream, spraying blood everywhere. I needed to get out of this room!

My body trembled as i began to spin franticly around in circles, searching desperately for an exit.

"Someone help me!" i screamed, tears pouring down my face.

I began to panic. I couldn't see any doors anywhere leading out of this room. I felt helpless and terrified.

Dizziness began to cloud my vision. I slowly started to back away, another scream stuck in my throat. My whole body began to shake uncontrollably, as my back slammed into a corner. I slowly sat down and wrapped my arms around myself, curling into a ball.

"I-i'm gonna die in here" i mumble to myself with glazed eyes. "I'm gonna die in here just like those other kids"

My vision started to blur and my mind hazed over.

I shut my eyes began to slowly rock myself.

"This isn't real. This isn't real. I'll wake up and this will have been just a bad dream."

Sorry about how short this is

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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