11. Brittany's Point Of View

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Chapter 11 ~ Brittany's Point Of View

I sat on the edge of my soft feathery bed and swung my legs nervously. Across from me Kiara's bed sat vacant and the bathroom door slammed closed with urgency. Next to my bed, on the floor, little Mashiro was sleeping restlessly. Conflicted emotions rose inside of me, and each second felt like torture. A hurried knock sounded at the pale pink bedroom door followed by harsh panting.

I hopped up off the bed and swung open the door to reveal a disheveled looking woman.

"Can I help you Joy?" I asked sweetly, batting my eyelashes at her.

"Brittany, I'm surprised you're still up! It's rather late" she muttered, eyes wild.

"Oh but your knocking woke me up ma'am" I lied, pouting.

Guilt washed over her face and she sighed.

"I'm so sorry child, I was just so determined to find dear mashiro that...." she paused and glanced over my shoulder.

"Oh thank the stars! I've been looking for her all day since she wasn't in the room when I... well never mind about that. Is she okay?" she asked joyfully.

"Ma'am I think so, but may I be excused? I'm rather exhausted" I complained, yawning innocently at the woman.

Her eyes widened and she backed away apologetically.

"Yes, sure, go back to bed" she said absentmindedly, before hurrying away.

I rolled my eyes and pushed the door closed, making my way back to my bed. Kiara was, once again, sitting on hers, with her favourite pink notebook in hand. I sat down and waited for her to notice me.

"What was that all about" she said in a monotone voice, not even looking up.

"Joy was looking for Mashiro" I replied, swinging my legs again.

As I said this, kiara raised her head and glared at me.

"I don't know any Mashiro. Do you, Britt?" she said through gritted teeth.

"Oh, right. Sorry k" I frowned, placing my hands on my lap. "So lets get started?"

"Right of course" she said, a smile growing wide on her face.

She turned to a new page and began scribbling down notes. I stretched to see what she was writing but all I could make out was gibberish.

"I wish we could just execute our plan tonight. It would be so easy! She's literally 6 feet away from us. But alas, if we want to make this worthwhile, we need to have patience" she tells me.

Another wave of guilt washed over me and I squeezed my eyes closed.

"So what's the plan" I sighed, looking squarely at her.

She grinned again, jumping up off her bed and skipping over to mine. She shoved her notebook in my face and cackled.

I looked up at the girl standing before me and had a hard time believing she was only 13. Instead of worrying about boys and makeup, like the girls we see on tv, she - we - were trying to make plans to ruin someone else's life, and for no reason except we didn't really like them.

I glanced briefly over her notes and nodded at her, trying to ignore the shame and nervousness building up in my chest.

Using the strongest voice I could muster, I spoke.

"So when do we begin?"

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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