22. Fight

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Chapter 22 ~ Fight

"Come at me, you unworthy little devil!" Brittany screamed.

She jumped off the ground and charged for Kiara, tackling her to the ground. Ignoring Kiara's scream for protests, she began laying into her face. From my position on the ground, I could see blood pouring from her nose and mouth. But unexpectedly, Kiara managed to push Brittany off and jump back up. Brittany fell to the floor, and Kiara jumped onto her in an instant, delivering the same punishment dealt to her only seconds ago. The wolves above me seemed to howl with laughter while Aaron, Sean, and Thomas sat down on a pile of rocks, watching intently.

Brittany tried to dodge each blow thrown at her, but soon, her blood mixed in with Kiara's and began pooling on the ground below them.

"Get off of me you cow!" Brittany shrieked, throwing Kiara off of her and into a nearby tree trunk.

Then she scrambled up and hurried over to where I was laying.

"Here" she whispered, panting harshly as she untied the ropes on my ankles.

"No you don't, you spoiled brat!" Kiara hollered, grabbing onto Brittany's hair and pulling her back.

She stumbled backwards, and turned around into Kiara's awaiting fist. She lost her balance for a second, but then moved her feet into a fighting stance.

"Pathetic punch!" she sneered at Kiara. "Let me show you how it's done!"

Then she pulled back her arm and delivered a powerful blow. Kiara fell back and onto her butt, and began to wail, holding her nose. Blood gushed out through her fingers, heavier than before, but Brittany wasn't done yet.

"Get her back!" Aaron yelled urgently to Thomas and Sean. "She's out of control!"

Brittany just smirked, and began to climb the tree positioned right behind Kiara. Once seated on a branch, she smirked and wiped the blood off her face.

"Take this, backstabbing mutt!" she shouted as she pushed herself down off the branch and aimed her bare feet at Kiara's head.

With a scream and a crack, Kiara was knocked out cold. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head, revealing white, and blood began to flow from her skull. Brittany stumbled, then, ignoring the blood all over her heels, hurried over to me.

"I'm so sorry, Mashiro! I'll get you out of this mess, I promise!" she said firmly, then fell to the ground with a thud as Sean and Thomas tackled her to the ground.

"Let me go you-you worms!" she shrieked, thrashing about wildly.

The wolves continued growling and howling and pawing at the ground while Brittany screamed in protest, until Aaron stood up. As he began to walk forward, not a single noise could be heard. Even Brittany had stopped carrying on, and stared around at Aaron and the wolves in confusion.

He let out a low, bone chilling howl.

All of the wolves, and even Sean and Thomas, bowed their heads low. Then one by one, the wolves lifted their heads, and began to form a circle, leaving Brittany, the boys, and I in the centre.

"I've had my fun. You guys can take it from here. No-one is going home till the job is done, hear me?"

Eager grunts and growls followed, as every muscle in every wolf seemed to tense, waiting for the opportunity to pounce.

"Sean, Thomas, thanks for your help. You can let the witch go. Join the circle when you're ready and supervise" Aaron ordered. "And everyone, the beta is in charge."

Thomas gave Aaron a sharp nod and turned to the wolves, letting Brittany go. She pushed Sean off her and ran to my side.

"We gotta get out of here!" she hissed, just as Thomas called out:

"Alright puppies, you heard the boss. Let's finish the job!"

I really enjoyed writing this chapter xD

also, guess what

at the end of the book (which isn't soon)

there will be a deleted scenes page, because

my three editors are my friends and we make
heaps of jokes while writing this book,
and well, it must be shared!

but it may make this book go from M to MA15+

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