9. A Voice

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Chapter 9 ~ A Voice

A loud creaking sound awoke me from my stupor. My eyes widened and my body became frigid and fully alert.

I wanted to call out to whatever made that noise, but no sound escaped from my mouth.

Irritated murmuring came from my left followed by loud, harsh whispering.

Had ms litch come back to finish the job?

Would it be strange to say i didn't care?

I just wanted it to be over.

All i had ever wanted was to be loved, and all i ever got was hate in return. I hoped to myself that the murmuring was in fact ms litch so that she could end my misery.

"Oi! Wolfie!" a voice hissed.

I flinched at the urgency in their voice.

"Wolfie you in here?" another voice called out.

I slowly turned my head to the left and squinted my eyes.

There, on one of the walls, was a gaping hole the size of a door, and in that hole stood two girls that could only be identified as brittany and kiara.

"I'm not going in there!" one of the two exclaimed to the other, looking down at the ground in horrified disgust.

"Wolfie, can you come over to us?" the other called out in a hushed tone.

What if they were the ones to finish the job for ms litch. How could i trust them? But i guess that if they did i would still be free.

Gripping my hand on the slimy, bloody wall, i slowly pulled myself up, and managed to drag my body through the muck and over to the girls.

As i got closer i could finally make out who was who.

Kiara stood back slightly and was looking at me like i grew three extra legs.

"Ew wolfie. You look gross" she gagged.

I couldnt find myself to reply. All the words seemed to get lost in my head.

"Cmon, let's get you to a bathroom" brittany told me, having a hard time hiding her disgust.

They began to walk in a hurried pace, leading me away from the room. I crept slowly behind them, having a hard time remaining conscious. They walked toward the stairs i was dragged down, but turned right, away from them. Instead they walked over to a dingy old elevator and pressed a button.

In an instant the doors popped open and they stepped inside.

"C'mon wolfie, hurry up" brittany sighed, but made no attempt to help me.

I finally made it into the elevator, and much to their reluctance, the doors squeaked shut.


"Okay, here's a change of clothes for until your ones get cleaned" kiara said, unwillingly shoving some spare clothes into my arms.

"Here's a towel" brittany sighed, piling it on top.

I stepped into the girl's' private bathroom on shaky legs and shut the door behind me. 

Sorry for the length and delay :v

This is just a filler chapter

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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