7. Dark Room

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Chapter 7 ~ Dark Room

My teeth chattered uncontrollably.

Whether it was because of the frigid temperature, or out of fright, I wasn't sure.

The room I was being held hostage in was pitch black, and I had no energy to get up and search for a light switch.

Below me, on the ground I was laying on, was wet. It was like the floor was one giant puddle of freezing cold muck, and no matter where I moved, I could not seem to find a dry place to rest. The room itself smelt awful. The stench could only be described as compost, rotting fish, and death. I could hardly breathe and was nearly impossible to not gag every time I took in air. I didn't understand where I was, but I knew it was several stories under the orphanage.

My eyes began to well with tears and I let out a sob. It echoed through the silent room.

"S-someone h-h-help m-me" I whispered.


It felt like I had been in the dark room for hours, and there were no signs anywhere that I would be let out.

Mustering up all my strength, I pushed myself up and stood on shaky legs. Facing forwards, I began to walk through the giant smelly puddle. Water sloshed all around me and even worse smells emerged. I leaned over and covered my mouth, trying to suppress the contents from my stomach emerging. Once I had gained control, I let out a breath and covered my nose and mouth with one hand as I continued walking. I let out a yelp as my forehead collided with something hard.

"A wall?" I mumbled to myself.

I placed my hand onto the hard surface. It felt sticky, fuzzy, and wet. As much as the feeling was unpleasant, I began sliding my hand against the wall's surface, in search for a door, lightswitch, or anything that could help me escape. I squinted my eyes shut as the wall became wetter and stickier. The smell became stronger and more pungent.

Suddenly my foot caught onto something and I let out a squeak as I tumbled to the ground.

The ground I was laying on wasn't hard or wet though. It was round and squishy, but smelled as if it were a dead animal. I couldn't hold myself back any longer. I bent over and emptied my stomach contents all over the strange round ground.

Tears began to trail down my face as I wiped my mouth and stood back up. I covered my mouth and nose again, and stifling a sob, carefully maneuvered my way over the round ground.

I came back to the wet hard ground and began to search the wall again. After what seemed like ages, my hand slid over a rough bumpy surface. I paused to check it out. I ran my hand over it several times, before resting it in the centre.

"I think... I think it's a switch?"

I pressed my finger over it and hissed as blinding light shone into the once dark room.

So this chapter isn't on my old account. Its a new one i had pre written. I have no more pre written chapters so bare with me if things slow down >.<

as always,

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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