16. The Sandwich

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Chapter 16 ~ The Sandwich

Kiara's pov

I looked down at my list gleefully. I only needed two more items for my special surprise.

-Sand ~ check

-Dirt ~ check

-Bridion ~ check

Bridion was a drug I grabbed off the shelf at my last visit to the hospital with Joy, thinking it could be useful one day. Well today was the day.

Now to find the cat treats. The peanut butter could wait till later. Placing down my mix of miscellaneous items, all locked up securely in ziplock bags, I began to creep towards Ms Litch's most favourite room; kitty kingdom. Yes, that was what the sign above the large, arched door said.

Ms litch was absolutely obsessed with cats. She had at least 12 of them, but I wouldn't be surprised it there was more. Her favourite was called Lula, who was a fat, grumpy, over spoilt Blue Russian cat.

Ms Litch hated people being in her kitty kingdom. It was the most sacred room in the whole orphanage. If I got caught in it, I would surely be sent to 'the room'. I, personally, had never been inside it, and only caught a glimpse of it when Brittany and I went to get Wolfie, but Brittany had told me graphic stories of one time when she was accused of stealing and got locked in there for an hour.

I creaked open the door and let out a sigh of relief as I noticed the old hag was nowhere in sight. Right next to the door was a gigantic red bag, filled to the top with dry cat feed. I grabbed a ziplock bag out from my pocket and placed a hand full of cat food into it, being careful not to drop anything on the floor.


I looked up to see the one and only Lula, glaring at me.

"Shush!" I hissed at her.

"Meoww" she called, this time louder.

"Oh Lula, It's okay baby I'm coming" an old raspy voice called.

Ms Litch.

Loud footsteps clopped on the wooden floorboards from all directions.

"Ah crap" I muttered, turning around and running for my life.

"Lula, why is your door open?" Ms Litch called out in the distance.

Panting slightly, I made my way to the other bags and scooped them up. Then I made a quick dash to the kitchen.

"Okay, last item on the list. Peanut butter" I nodded.

"What's so important about peanut butter" a voice asked behind me.

"Eek!" I screeched, turning round to see the chef standing with his hands on his hips.

"C-chef Nathan! Hi! Didn't expect to find you here... in the kitchen...." I trailed off, internally kicking myself.

"Right, why would i be in the kitchen, huh?" he laughed, shaking his head. "If you tell me why you need peanut butter, and why you're holding bags of dirt behind your back, maybe I'll find it for you."

"Oh well urm... one of the caretakers said that we had to make a peanut butter and raisin sandwich, but without any food ingredients except for bread-"

"Ah i see. You're cheating. Well let me help you with that" he chuckled, turning around and striding over to one of the cupboards.

"Here's a mixing bowl, a spoon, peanut butter, and- do you have bread?"

"N-no Chef" I stuttered.

"Okay take these, and have fun making your sandwich. I have to go cater for staff lunch, so don't destroy anything while I'm gone. And no using the oven or stovetop!" he instructed me.

I gave him a brief nod and watched as he walked away.

Letting out a sigh of relief, and allowing my excitement to build once more, I placed the bowl on a bench and poured all the sand and dirt into it. Then I grabbed a random cup on the bench, and filling it up with tap water, poured it's contents in with the sand and dirt. After that i grabbed the Bridion and poured half the jar into the bowl. Then I began mixing it into a paste. Once I was happy with that, I grabbed the dirty spoon and scooped a quarter of the peanut butter into the bowl. Using all of my strength, I combined the mixture till it looked almost edible. I grabbed the two slices of bread the chef gave me and began spreading the paste onto both of them. To finish the sandwich off, I grabbed the cat food, which happened to look like raisins, and sprinkled them randomly over one of the pieces, and pressed it into the 'peanut butter'. Then I put the two pieces together and dusted my hands off, grinning ecstatically at my piece of work.

This sandwich was a work of art.

so.. kiara's pov, hey?
what do you think of her?
what about  chef nathan?
what do you think about
ms litch's love for cats?

next chapter: back to our main
character mashiro's pov

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


wait important question:

do you guys like the change in point of views?

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