4. Blood and Besties

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Chapter 4 ~ Blood and Besties

"Wait what?"

The look on Aaron's face was a mix between anger, confusion, and betrayal.

"You heard us!" Kiara yelled, squinting her eyes at him.

Both girls stood up and walked over to the boys aggressively and glowered down at them

"Leave wolfie alone" Brittany spat, shoving aaron firmly in the chest.

He stumbled back in shock, almost falling to the ground. His two friends shot out their arms to keep him upright.

"What the hell, britt!" he yelled furiously, glaring daggers at her.

Aaron was about half a head smaller than Brittany, but seemed much younger- maybe 11 or 12. He had dark brown hair, angry green eyes, and a mouth that always seemed to be curled up into a smirk.

Sean and Thomas, however, looked almost identical. They both had short blond hair, round faces, and hazel eyes. They seemed about a year younger than their leader, and were always wherever he was.

Both boys took a wary step back and looked to Aaron.

"Let's just go!" Sean protested, nervousness wavering his voice. "We can just get her another time!"

Aaron's forehead creased, and then he let out a growl.

"Move out of my way, stupid girls" he ordered, trying to push past the two of them.

Kiara took a step back, but Brittany stood strong

She pushed him back again, this time harder.

"Get out. Now" she deadpanned.

Aaron rolled his eyes, and nodded for his two lackeys to turn around and leave. Both girls gave me a brief wave, and followed them out, shutting my bedroom door.

"Thankyou.." I whispered to the empty room.

I squeezed my eyes shut to try and make sense of the past five minutes. It was a shock when the two girls came up to check on me, but I couldn't believe my eyes when they stood up for me.

Brittany even shoved Aaron! The toughest guy in my orphanage!

I shook my head in disbelief.

Standing up, I looked at the floor around me to see coloured pencils strewn everywhere. Kiara's bear wasn't even started, and Brittany's hunter was half done.

Then I look a look at mine and let out a surprised squeak.

There, on it's forehead, what i could only guess as a big red bullet hole had been draw, with blood gushing out of it. On it's back were massive bloody teeth marks, and beside my paper was the red pencil.

I didn't understand. How did it get there? I didn't do it, and the other two girls were talking and doing their pictures. I was so proud of my picture as well.

Confused, I picked up my picture and walked over to my bed. I sat down and placed it on my bedside table.

Why did those two girls stand up for me?

I moved the long silver tail of hair next to the picture and lay down on my pillow. I stared at the cracked, pastey white roof for what seemed like hours; confusion constantly running wild through my head.

But one thing was for sure;

I finally had friends.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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