20. I Don't Understand

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Chapter 20 ~ I Don't Understand

A howl cried out in the distance and an ever-growing feeling of uneasiness began to build around us in the forest. My arms ached and my eyelids drooped. Exhaustion filled me and I struggled to remain conscious, the only thing keeping my grip on reality being the fact I was tied up and being dragged through a terrifying forest. My feet and hands had long since gone completely numb, and every now and again I would have to look at them to make sure they were still attached to my body. Last time I looked, my feet were covered in dirt and blood and blisters. Hanging from Thomas's shoulder, Brittany's muffled cries reached my ears. Even though she was two years older than the boy, at this moment he seemed much bigger and stronger.

Kiara walked beside Sean with an over-excited look on her face. I felt frightened and unsure about what was happening. Was this all just a big joke? But if it was, why would they tie me up, and drag me along the harsh scratchy ground, and even give me 'Bridion', whatever that was. And why would they make it so I couldn't move? And why would they tie Brittany up too? I thought Kiara and Brittany were the best of friends, but Kiara got angry with her and hit her hard over the head. Was Brittany a part of whatever was going on? I just didn't understand.

Footsteps crunched and echoed throughout the silent forest. Another howl cried, and then suddenly, Aaron called back at it. His howl was a smooth, perfect, low pitch and sent shivers down my spine. It sounded unnatural and unearthly.

This made my fear begin to arise once more. I could feel my heartbeat pounding in my chest and my breathing became more rapid. Beads of sweat began to form on my forehead and I began to tremble.

Were they going to leave us here and let us die all alone? Will they feed us to the wolves? I sniffled back terrified tears as Aaron began to move at a faster pace. I wanted to move; to run away and escape. It dawned on me that they weren't playing a joke. They had bad intentions and whatever they were going to do to me was worse than when Ms Litch threw me in the room. I flinched as memories of dead children flashed in my vision.

I had to escape; I had to run away. But to where? There were obviously wolves in this forest, and they'd have no trouble hunting me down to kill me. I didn't even know what direction the orphanage was. Would they even take me back?

I let out a silent sob, causing Aaron to jerk hard on my arms. I began to silently cry, and begged for my limbs to move.

A hole in the trees opened up, revealing the moon for a brief second.

sorry for the shortness

this chapter is dedicated to 


ya know, things like voting and
commenting really inspire me to 

keep writing!

thanks for motivating me, winter!

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