19. Covered in Darkness

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Chapter 19 ~ Covered in Darkness

My head was pressed hard into the soft squishy quilt of the bed. Aaron roughly grabbed my arms and pulled them above me. He pressed his knee sharply into my stomach and I let out a squeak as all the air was pushed out of my lungs. He squeezed my wrists together and forcefully wrapped the scratchy rope tightly around them. Blood slowly drained from my hands and was replaced by a pinching sensation. I didn't understand why he was being so violent. It wasn't like I could even move anyway.

Using my stomach as leverage, he pushed himself off the bed and let my restrained arms flop.

He then grabbed onto my legs, and pushing them together, and once again, wrapped the scratchy rope around my ankles, tugging it tight. The same sensation from my hands raced its way into my feet, and I felt a tear trail down my cheek.

"Did you give her drugs to shut her up as well?" Aaron asked Kiara, humour and confusion present on his face.

"Hm no. She's been silent ever since Litchy put her in the room" she answered.

"Wait... Aunty put her in the room?!" he exclaimed in shock. "Why is she still alive? How did she even get out?"

"Britt and I went to get her" she shrugged.

Before me flashed blood and dead bodies. Memories of the room flooded my vision and terror surged through my veins. Silent screams filled my throat as Aaron went to face me, and turned into a bloody rotting body. The spare rope in his hand turned into the rusting blood-stained chains that hung from the room's walls. Unwelcome tears poured uncontrollably from my eyes and my breathing became harsh and panicked.

"Why not just leave her in there? Let her rot and die there" Aaron's rotting body questioned.

"Britt wanted her out, and I wanted the Mutt to suffer more. This plan seemed like a good idea" Kiara replied, blood dripping from her mouth. I looked down at the bed below and found myself swimming in a puddle of blood and muck. Dead bodies began to fall from cracks in the roof and a putrid smell filled my nostrils. I felt my heart race in my chest and my vision began to spin.

"The hell is wrong with her?" someone called out.


"Wakey wakey sleeping ugly" someone sneered.

I cracked my eyes open to find Aaron peering over me with a murderous glint in his eyes. I almost went to hug him when I saw that he was no longer a rotting body, but I realised I still couldn't move. My limbs felt loose and dead, and I couldn't feel my hands or feet.

I noticed I was no longer in my bedroom, but instead, I was just outside the orphanage property. I was laying in the dirt and grass and had a good view of the moon and stars. I wanted to reach for the brightest one, and wish upon it for my freedom, but I was held down by an invisible force and restrained by tight ropes. I looked to my side and saw Brittany squirming next to me, also laying in the dirt. I turned my head back to Aaron and felt my heartbeat speed up. The grogginess that once clouded me quickly disappeared, and I felt the blood drain from my face. Panic quickly set in and I stared wide eyed at him. He gave me an evil grin when he saw me stare at him, and then he reached down at me. I was confused as to what he was doing when all of a sudden my arms were jerked above my head and began dragging me across the rough dirt. From what I could see, Thomas grabbed Brittany and threw her over his shoulder then began running to catch up with Aaron and I. Sean and Kiara followed after them.

The world around me was a blur as my captor began pulling me at a faster speed. Rocks and bark began scraping at my once clean white nightgown.

What was this? Was I being kidnapped? Is this what kidnapping was? I wasn't sure. I didn't think so though, because Aaron and the others were kids as well, and you have to be taken by a bad adult for it to be kidnapping, right?

So if this wasn't kidnapping, what else could it be? We began to enter deep into the forest and my breath hitched in my throat. I hated the forest. It was dark and gloomy, and absolutely terrifying. In a matter of seconds, the moon was hidden from my sight and we were covered in darkness. 

sorry once again for the wait >.<

the next chapter is the last of my
pre-written chapters so 

but hey, double update??!!!

till next time :P

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