12. Bubbles

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Chapter 12 ~ Bubbles

Back to Mashiro's P.O.V

The smell of breakfast filled the air and I looked over the kitchen counter earnestly at all the other orphans enjoying their meals. I glared at the bit of wood separating me from the food. I was on the wrong side.

"Don't you even think about it" Ms Litch hissed at me, walking past to speak to some caretakers.

I gave one last longing look at the food, before turning around to face the disastrous kitchen.

"Morning child" Joy called, bustling into the kitchen carrying a stack of dirty plates. She wore long black socks, and a short maid outfit. Her long blonde hair was tied high into a ponytail, accompanied by a frilled black and white headband. Her dark red lipstick complemented her fair skin and long black lashes.

I smiled hesitantly at her, unable to form any words.

"You ready to do some dishes?!" she exclaimed, practically throwing the dishes onto the wooden counter.

I nodded, trying to ignore the ever growing beast in my stomach, begging me to snatch the leftover pancake on the top plate.

"Hey Mashiro, while we work I'm gonna boil the kettle. Want some tea?" she asked me casually, dusting her hands on her apron.

I nodded eagerly and walked over to the dirty kitchen sink, hardly containing my excitement as I heard the kettle begin to heat up.

"While we wait, could you clear and fill up the sink? I'll go get more dishes" she said, walking out of the room before I could answer.

I let out a deep sigh and began taking, what I could only assume were last nights uncleaned plates and cutlery, out of the sink. Gravy and corn stuck to the plates as I put them in a pile to the side. Once everything was removed I began to scrub the sink clean. Dirt and grime covered the once clean yellow sponge, and soon the sink was sparkling. Usually the caretakers and chef wouldn't clean up the dishes after a meal, and relied on Ms Litch's least favourite orphans to clean up the mess.

I put in the plug, poured in some dish soap and began to fill the sink up with hot water. I watched the steam rise in the chilled air and swirl around my head. Bubbles began to grow in the water and I let out a small giggle. I turned off the tap and scooped a pile of foamy bubbles into my hands. They fizzed and wobbled, but didn't pop. The tiny bubbles all bunched together, and looked like tiny little soap fairy homes. They sparkled in the dim kitchen light. I blew on the pile of bubbles and watched them separate, and float around the room. I let out another quiet giggle as one bubble came to rest on my nose.

"Hey Mashiro, is the kettle finished boiling?" Joy called, startling me from my thoughts.

I quickly looked over to the kettle, and as i did it let out a high pitched whistle.

Joy let out a laugh and walked over to it. She opened a cupboard above it and grabbed out two large mugs, sugar, and a box of tea bags.

"Grab the milk and spoons for me, would you?" she called.

I hurried over to the fridge and pulled out a carton of full cream milk, and almost dropped it, not expecting it's weight.

Mustering up all my strength, I lifted it up on the bench beside joy, and ran to the cutlery draw to get her the spoons.

"Thank you child" she chirped, place the tea bag into the mugs, and then began to pour the water in.

I watched intensely as she next picked up the milk carton with ease, and added a fair amount of milk to the drink.

"Now we have to wait a bit for the tea bag flavours to spread!" she told me. "While we wait, why don't you start washing up?"

I nodded again, and made my way over to the sink. I reached up to grab the topmost plate on the pile closest to me, and began to scrub it in the hot, bubbly water. Quickly, the grime and leftovers fell off, and I placed the now sparkling clean plate onto the drying rack.

"Mashiro, tea!" joy called out.

I put down the sponge and practically leaped over to her in excitement.

I watched eagerly as she poured the last spoon of sugar into a mug and almost melted into a pile of jelly as she handed it to me.

I gracefully accepted it, and gave her the biggest tooth filled smile I could muster.

"You're welcome" she laughed, and patted my head.

I brought the mug to my mouth and took a sip, letting the warmth of the drink fill my mind with ease.

"You enjoying your tea?" she asked me.

I gave her another heart filled nod.

"What a cutie" she laughed, squeezing me into a side hug.

Thanks for reading :P

Till next chapter...


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